A Gitbook project template. This template has the following features,
- PlamntUML support, using bitjourney/plantuml-service.
- Ready for output PDF, EPUB and MOBI files.
- Configured VSCode Tasks and Recommended extensions.
- Visual Studio Code
- LiveReload: Chrome Extention
This Docker image for gitbook is manage markdown files in gitbook directory.
Run the following command, to init your gitbook
$ curl https://codeload.github.com/HeRoMo/gitbook-template/zip/master -O
$ unzip master
$ mv gitbook-template-master your-gitbook-name
$ cd your-gitbook-name
$ docker-compose run --rm gitbook init
After init, gitbook directory will be created. If you want, modify gitbook/book.json for your gitbook.
Run the following command, to start gitbook server.
$ docker-compose up
Open http://localhost:4000, after docker containers are started.
If you use Chrome browser with LiveReload extention, Reload automatically after modify *.md files.
Run the following command, output PDF file as book.pdf
$ docker-compose run --rm gitbook pdf
Run the following command, output EPUB file as book.epub
$ docker-compose run --rm gitbook epub
Run the following command, output MOBI file as book.mobi
$ docker-compose run --rm gitbook mobi