
Fullstack burger making app with React, Redux, and Firebase.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

{Burger Builder}

{A course projecto to get familiar with React. }, {Date of current version}

By {Chris Underwood}


{This is a project that I did to further my understanding of React and related technologies. The project was basically done twice. The first time passing props to components by various means. The other way using Redux state management. For a thorough description of the technologies used, look in the technologies used section below on this page. }

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Copy the repo from Gitub _ Go to into the project folder where you wanted it saved _ run npm install _ when this is done, run npm start _ open your internet broswer to localhost:3000

{Leave nothing to chance! You want it to be easy for potential users, employers and collaborators to run your app. Do I need to run a server? How should I set up my databases? Is there other code this app depends on?}

Known Bugs

{None that I am aware of.}

Support and contact details

{cunderwoodmn [at] gmail {dot} com}

Technologies Used

{React, Create React App, JSX, vanilla JS, Redux, React Router, Firebase, Jest, Enzyme, CSS Modules, Lazy Loading, Form Validation, Authentication, Environmental Variables}


{While I have made minor changes to the code, I believe that copyright for this code belongs to https://www.academind.com/ if you have questions about using this code.}

Copyright (c) 2019 {Chris Underwood & https://www.academind.com/}