
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ionic Stencil Essential

Ionic Essential Stencil is a UI kit that contains beautifully crafted, frequently used screens allowing developers to build gorgeous and highly customizable mobile apps with minimal effort.

Dependecies, Run and Build

Install Ionic CLI

To build and run this app you need to have Ionic CLI installed

$ sudo npm install -g @ionic/cli

You can revert back and restore any version of Ionic CLI by using the command:

$ sudo npm install -g @ionic/cli@{ionic_version}


$ sudo npm install -g @ionic/cli@5.0.0

Install NodeJS dependencies

Run $ npm install to install all needed dependencies.

Install plugins from package.json

Run $ ionic cordova prepare ios to install all Cordova plugins included in the package.json and add iOS platform to your project.

Run $ ionic cordova prepare android to install all Cordova plugins included in the package.json and add Android platform to your project.

Run the app

Use $ ionic serve -l to run the app in browser for multiple platforms


use $ ionic serve to just run the app for a browser preview

Add a platform

$ ionic cordova platform add <platform>

Supported Cordova platforms:

$ ionic cordova platform add ios
$ ionic cordova platform add android

Build the app

$ ionic cordova build

Εmulate the app on simulator


$ ionic cordova emulate ios


$ ionic cordova emulate android

Plugins installation

Use the following commands and install all the plugins required by the app:

$ ionic cordova plugin add {plugin id or url}


$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-inappbrowser

Used Cordova plugins

In case that the required Cordova plugins are not installed while installing NodeJS dependencies, Cordova's command mentioned previously can be used to install the following plugins:

  • cordova-plugin-whitelist - This plugin implements a whitelist policy for navigating the application webview on Cordova 4.0.
  • cordova-plugin-statusbar - This plugin provides some functions to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar.
  • cordova-plugin-device - This plugin defines a global device object, which describes the device's hardware and software.
  • cordova-plugin-splashscreen - This plugin is required to work with splash screens. This plugin displays and hides a splash screen during application launch.
  • cordova-plugin-ionic-webview - The Web View plugin for Cordova that is specialized for Ionic apps.
  • cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard - It provides functions to make interacting with the keyboard easier, and fires events to indicate that the keyboard will hide/show.




5.0 - Jul 16, 2020
- Initial release

1.6 - Mar 12, 2020
- Create pages related to Conference/Event:
- Agenda
- Session Details
- Speakers
- Speaker Details
- Sponsors

1.5 - Nov 11, 2019
- Add more "Product Details" pages
- Create "Cart" page
- Create "Delivery" page
- Create "Payment" page
- Create "Confirmation" page
- Create "Order Finish" page
- Create "Recipes" page
- Create "Payment" page
- Create "Friends" page
- Create "Followers" page
- Create "Subscribers" page

1.4 - August 5, 2019
- Introduce the new "Awesome" theme
- Create "Products Grid" page
- Create "Product Details" page
- Create "Commerce Home" page
- Create "Products List" page

1.3 - May 10, 2019
- Add more Empty State screens
- Update app with Ionic 4.3.0

1.2 - Jan 10, 2019
- Create Dark theme
- Create Empty State screens

1.1 - Dec 12, 2018
- Create "Selectors" page
- Create "Dropdowns" page
- Create "Toggle and Sliders" page
- Create "Inputs and Validation" page
- Create "Login with Background" page
- Create "Login with Footer" page
- Update app with Ionic 4 beta 17 and Angular 7.x

1.0 - Nov 28, 2018
- Initial release


Third Party Licenses