Virtual Network with two Web Server, two SQL Server with availability set, Subnets and NSG Front and Back end rules

This template allows you to create a Virtual Network with two Web Server, two SQL Server with availability set, Subnets and NSG front and back end rules.

Below are the parameters that the template expects.

Name Description
stdStorageName Name for the standard storage account used to store vhds
stdStorageType Type of storage for the standard storage account, defaults to Standard_LRS
prmStorageName Name for the premium storage account used to store SSD vhds
prmStorageType Type of storage for the premium storage account, defaults to Premium_LRS
vnetName Name for the new virtual network
vnetPrefix Address prefix for the Virtual Network specified in CIDR format
frontEndSubnetName Name for first subnet
frontEndSubnetPrefix Prefix for the Subnet-1 specified in CIDR format
backEndSubnetName Name for second subnet
webCount Number of VMs in the front end subnet
sqlCount Number of VMs in the back end subnet
frontEndNSGName Name of the NSG used for the front end subnet
backEndNSGName Name of the NSG used for the back end subnet