Multimodules Sandbox

Bootstrapping development environment

make bootstrap

Bitrise CI configuration

Configure Bitrise for using stored in repository bitrise.yml file.

Also, some secret environment parameters need to be set:

  • $MATCH_PASSWORD: password to the match repo
  • $APPSTORE_API_KEY_ENCRYPT_PWD: password for the encrypted api-key.json file

Template info

The project was generated using the cookiecutter tool and this swift template.

Template version: 1.2.12

AppStore credentials

Interaction with AppStore needs credentials. This project uses the official AppStore API. For proper project deployment process, the project owner needs to create the fastlane/app-key.json file with access keys and encrypt by gpg tool with a strong password.

gpg -c fastlane/api-key.json

The resulted encrypted file should be committed to the repository.



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