
Remark plugin to embed youtube placeholders in markdown, to avoid cookies and accessability issues.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Remark Youtube Placeholder Plugin


This is a plugin for Remark, and allows you to embed youtube placeholders in markdown files, and in that way avoid cookies and accessability issues. This plugin can also be used with Gridsome.


npm i remark-youtube-placeholder --save-dev
# yarn add remark-youtube-placeholder --dev



You can provide css for the layout of multiple youtube placholders in the same inline tag, via the layoutCss option.


layoutCss: "grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-5"


You can provide css for the image via the imageCss option.


imageCss: "shadow-md"

You can also provide a default size via the imageSize option.


imageSize: { width: 800, height: 450, }


You can provide css for the title paragraph via the titleCss option.


titleCss: "pl-5 pt-3 text-white text-xl font-medium text-opacity-90"


You can provide HTML to use as an overlay via the overlayHtml option.

Example (it renders a transparent black background with a play icon in the middle, that changes color and scale when hovered.):

overlayHtml: `
    <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-60 flex items-center justify-center">
        <svg class="w-12 h-12 text-white transform hover:scale-105 hover:text-red-600 transition duration-150" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 52.821 52.821" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M51.82 19.074C50.332 13.73 46.855 8.91 42.212 5.885 37.292 2.68 30.86 1.717 25.106 1.588 17.071 1.404 6.893 4.49 2.94 12.152c-.329.637.64 1.184.969.547C6.71 7.269 13.4 4.133 19.172 3.105c6.209-1.104 12.998-.236 18.873 1.955 6.134 2.287 10.393 7.537 12.486 13.611 2.33 6.758 1.04 13.488-2.679 19.424C40.174 50.347 21.33 54.324 9.87 45.038c-5.25-4.254-8.674-9.945-8.74-16.752-.039-4.012.743-8.492 2.746-12.012.621-1.09 1.455-2.024 2.396-2.867.014-.219.03-.436.045-.652a1.28 1.28 0 0 1-.25-.475c-.005-.021-.004-.037-.009-.059-.572.481-1.126.986-1.65 1.529-2.291 2.371-3.194 5.66-3.832 8.801-1.268 6.24-.515 12.074 3.063 17.346 3.063 4.514 7.787 8.715 13.131 10.182 6.42 1.762 13.123 1.613 19.198-1.108 2.749-1.23 5.729-2.438 8.039-4.424 2.833-2.438 4.961-5.881 6.679-9.156 2.619-4.992 2.617-10.994 1.134-16.317z"/><path d="M17.736 31.85c.103 1.15.121 3.08 1.325 3.598a.923.923 0 0 0 .167.174c1.198.902 2.868-.504 3.876-1.109 2.797-1.674 12.586-8.037 14.039-10.277a.469.469 0 0 0-.046-.609.523.523 0 0 0-.258-.428c-1.622-.992-8.87-4.297-10.89-5.045-1.044-.389-5.593-2.34-6.212-2.355-2.373-1.525-2.021 5.525-2.033 6.152-.065 3.284-.26 6.623.032 9.899zm3.224-6.817a.518.518 0 0 0-.217.182c-.004-.299-.009-.596-.011-.891. 4.662c.063-.248.151-.498.257-.748 1.583-.371 3.088-1.146 4.634-1.645.754-.207 1.509-.414 2.259-.633-2.336 1.095-4.722 2.071-7.15 3.026zm3.42-3.933c-.18.082-.362.162-.539.25a3.529 3.529 0 0 0-.483-.244c.34-.01.681-.014 1.022-.006zm-.479-1.477c.023-.014.048-.025.074-.037a9.92 9.92 0 0 0 1.944.24c.459.055.918.113 1.378.166-.044.016-.088.029-.133.045-.97-.101-2.141-.211-3.263-.414zm4.766-1.179a65.658 65.658 0 0 1-2.291-.854c-1.265-.502-2.525-.859-3.846-1.17a3.048 3.048 0 0 1-1.052-.465c2.49.391 4.886 1.354 7.189 2.489zm-5.978-.848a23.189 23.189 0 0 0-2.278-.105c-.026-.297-.056-.592-.085-.889.748.521 1.527.783 2.363.994z"/></svg>


If you want alignment to work, you'll have to supply css classes.

There's three options:

  • cssClassToCenterPlaceholder

    Example value w-full flex justify-center

  • cssClassToLeftAlignPlaceholder

    Example value w-full flex justify-start

  • cssClassToRightAlignPlaceholder

    Example value w-full flex justify-end

Note: You can also add extra css, like bottom margin, to space things out nicely.

Remark configuration:

  const remark = require("remark");
  const youtube = require("remark-youtube-placeholder");

  const processor = remark().use(youtube, {
    cssClassToCenterPlaceholder: "w-full flex justify-center mb-6",
    cssClassToLeftAlignPlaceholder: "w-full flex justify-start mb-6",
    cssClassToRightAlignPlaceholder: "w-full flex justify-end mb-6",
    layoutCss: "grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-5",
    imageCss: "shadow-md",
    imageSize: { width: 800, height: 450, },
    titleCss: "pl-5 pt-3 text-white text-xl font-medium text-opacity-90",
    overlayHtml: `
        <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-60 flex items-center justify-center">
            <svg class="w-12 h-12 text-white transform hover:scale-105 hover:text-red-600 transition duration-150" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 52.821 52.821" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M51.82 19.074C50.332 13.73 46.855 8.91 42.212 5.885 37.292 2.68 30.86 1.717 25.106 1.588 17.071 1.404 6.893 4.49 2.94 12.152c-.329.637.64 1.184.969.547C6.71 7.269 13.4 4.133 19.172 3.105c6.209-1.104 12.998-.236 18.873 1.955 6.134 2.287 10.393 7.537 12.486 13.611 2.33 6.758 1.04 13.488-2.679 19.424C40.174 50.347 21.33 54.324 9.87 45.038c-5.25-4.254-8.674-9.945-8.74-16.752-.039-4.012.743-8.492 2.746-12.012.621-1.09 1.455-2.024 2.396-2.867.014-.219.03-.436.045-.652a1.28 1.28 0 0 1-.25-.475c-.005-.021-.004-.037-.009-.059-.572.481-1.126.986-1.65 1.529-2.291 2.371-3.194 5.66-3.832 8.801-1.268 6.24-.515 12.074 3.063 17.346 3.063 4.514 7.787 8.715 13.131 10.182 6.42 1.762 13.123 1.613 19.198-1.108 2.749-1.23 5.729-2.438 8.039-4.424 2.833-2.438 4.961-5.881 6.679-9.156 2.619-4.992 2.617-10.994 1.134-16.317z"/><path d="M17.736 31.85c.103 1.15.121 3.08 1.325 3.598a.923.923 0 0 0 .167.174c1.198.902 2.868-.504 3.876-1.109 2.797-1.674 12.586-8.037 14.039-10.277a.469.469 0 0 0-.046-.609.523.523 0 0 0-.258-.428c-1.622-.992-8.87-4.297-10.89-5.045-1.044-.389-5.593-2.34-6.212-2.355-2.373-1.525-2.021 5.525-2.033 6.152-.065 3.284-.26 6.623.032 9.899zm3.224-6.817a.518.518 0 0 0-.217.182c-.004-.299-.009-.596-.011-.891. 4.662c.063-.248.151-.498.257-.748 1.583-.371 3.088-1.146 4.634-1.645.754-.207 1.509-.414 2.259-.633-2.336 1.095-4.722 2.071-7.15 3.026zm3.42-3.933c-.18.082-.362.162-.539.25a3.529 3.529 0 0 0-.483-.244c.34-.01.681-.014 1.022-.006zm-.479-1.477c.023-.014.048-.025.074-.037a9.92 9.92 0 0 0 1.944.24c.459.055.918.113 1.378.166-.044.016-.088.029-.133.045-.97-.101-2.141-.211-3.263-.414zm4.766-1.179a65.658 65.658 0 0 1-2.291-.854c-1.265-.502-2.525-.859-3.846-1.17a3.048 3.048 0 0 1-1.052-.465c2.49.391 4.886 1.354 7.189 2.489zm-5.978-.848a23.189 23.189 0 0 0-2.278-.105c-.026-.297-.056-.592-.085-.889.748.521 1.527.783 2.363.994z"/></svg>

Gridsome configuration:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      use: "@gridsome/source-filesystem",
      options: {
        path: "blog/**/*.md",
        route: "/blog/:year/:month/:day/:slug",
        remark: {
          plugins: [
                cssClassToCenterPlaceholder: "w-full flex justify-center mb-6",
                cssClassToLeftAlignPlaceholder: "w-full flex justify-start mb-6",
                cssClassToRightAlignPlaceholder: "w-full flex justify-end mb-6",
                layoutCss: "grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-5",
                imageCss: "shadow-md",
                imageSize: { width: 800, height: 450, },
                titleCss: "pl-5 pt-3 text-white text-xl font-medium text-opacity-90",
                overlayHtml: `
                    <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-60 flex items-center justify-center">
                        <svg class="w-12 h-12 text-white transform hover:scale-105 hover:text-red-600 transition duration-150" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 52.821 52.821" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M51.82 19.074C50.332 13.73 46.855 8.91 42.212 5.885 37.292 2.68 30.86 1.717 25.106 1.588 17.071 1.404 6.893 4.49 2.94 12.152c-.329.637.64 1.184.969.547C6.71 7.269 13.4 4.133 19.172 3.105c6.209-1.104 12.998-.236 18.873 1.955 6.134 2.287 10.393 7.537 12.486 13.611 2.33 6.758 1.04 13.488-2.679 19.424C40.174 50.347 21.33 54.324 9.87 45.038c-5.25-4.254-8.674-9.945-8.74-16.752-.039-4.012.743-8.492 2.746-12.012.621-1.09 1.455-2.024 2.396-2.867.014-.219.03-.436.045-.652a1.28 1.28 0 0 1-.25-.475c-.005-.021-.004-.037-.009-.059-.572.481-1.126.986-1.65 1.529-2.291 2.371-3.194 5.66-3.832 8.801-1.268 6.24-.515 12.074 3.063 17.346 3.063 4.514 7.787 8.715 13.131 10.182 6.42 1.762 13.123 1.613 19.198-1.108 2.749-1.23 5.729-2.438 8.039-4.424 2.833-2.438 4.961-5.881 6.679-9.156 2.619-4.992 2.617-10.994 1.134-16.317z"/><path d="M17.736 31.85c.103 1.15.121 3.08 1.325 3.598a.923.923 0 0 0 .167.174c1.198.902 2.868-.504 3.876-1.109 2.797-1.674 12.586-8.037 14.039-10.277a.469.469 0 0 0-.046-.609.523.523 0 0 0-.258-.428c-1.622-.992-8.87-4.297-10.89-5.045-1.044-.389-5.593-2.34-6.212-2.355-2.373-1.525-2.021 5.525-2.033 6.152-.065 3.284-.26 6.623.032 9.899zm3.224-6.817a.518.518 0 0 0-.217.182c-.004-.299-.009-.596-.011-.891. 4.662c.063-.248.151-.498.257-.748 1.583-.371 3.088-1.146 4.634-1.645.754-.207 1.509-.414 2.259-.633-2.336 1.095-4.722 2.071-7.15 3.026zm3.42-3.933c-.18.082-.362.162-.539.25a3.529 3.529 0 0 0-.483-.244c.34-.01.681-.014 1.022-.006zm-.479-1.477c.023-.014.048-.025.074-.037a9.92 9.92 0 0 0 1.944.24c.459.055.918.113 1.378.166-.044.016-.088.029-.133.045-.97-.101-2.141-.211-3.263-.414zm4.766-1.179a65.658 65.658 0 0 1-2.291-.854c-1.265-.502-2.525-.859-3.846-1.17a3.048 3.048 0 0 1-1.052-.465c2.49.391 4.886 1.354 7.189 2.489zm-5.978-.848a23.189 23.189 0 0 0-2.278-.105c-.026-.297-.056-.592-.085-.889.748.521 1.527.783 2.363.994z"/></svg>

Usage in markdown

The markdown must consist of all the possible attributes (youtube, title, image, alt & placement), and you must enclose the markdown in backticks (`).


`youtube [YOUTUBE_VIDEO_LINK] title [TITLE_TEXT] image [THUMBNAIL_LINK] alt [ALT_TEXT] placement [Left|Center|Right]`


`youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dry4P_hg-Ws title image https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Dry4P_hg-Ws/maxresdefault.jpg alt Watch marine biologist plays subnautica on YouTube placement Center end\`


`youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dry4P_hg-Ws title Marine biologist plays SUBNAUTICA BELOW ZERO image https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Dry4P_hg-Ws/maxresdefault.jpg alt Watch marine biologist plays subnautica on YouTube placement Center end\`

or multiple

`youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dry4P_hg-Ws title Marine biologist plays SUBNAUTICA BELOW ZERO image https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Dry4P_hg-Ws/maxresdefault.jpg alt Watch marine biologist plays subnautica on YouTube placement Center end youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w20ioGg0QHk title image https://i.ytimg.com/vi/w20ioGg0QHk/maxresdefault.jpg alt Watch I became a Tea farmer on YouTube placement Center end`


Youtube placeholder

This is how the placeholder should appear on the screen (obviously without the white border):

Generated HTML

<div class="w-full flex justify-start"> <!-- whatever css you've provided in alignment options. -->

  <a style="position: relative;" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dry4P_hg-Ws" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
    <span style="position: absolute !important; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); width: 1px !important; height: 1px !important; padding: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;">Go to youtube and watch video</span>

    <img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Dry4P_hg-Ws/maxresdefault.jpg" style="margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important;" class="shadow-md" width="800" height="450" role="presentation" alt=""> <!-- class = whatever css you've provided via the imageCss option. -->

    <div class="absolute inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-60 flex items-center justify-center"> <!-- whatever html you've provided via the overlayHtml option. -->
      <svg class="w-12 h-12 text-white transform hover:scale-105 hover:text-red-600 transition duration-150" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 52.821 52.821" xml:space="preserve"><path d="M51.82 19.074C50.332 13.73 46.855 8.91 42.212 5.885 37.292 2.68 30.86 1.717 25.106 1.588 17.071 1.404 6.893 4.49 2.94 12.152c-.329.637.64 1.184.969.547C6.71 7.269 13.4 4.133 19.172 3.105c6.209-1.104 12.998-.236 18.873 1.955 6.134 2.287 10.393 7.537 12.486 13.611 2.33 6.758 1.04 13.488-2.679 19.424C40.174 50.347 21.33 54.324 9.87 45.038c-5.25-4.254-8.674-9.945-8.74-16.752-.039-4.012.743-8.492 2.746-12.012.621-1.09 1.455-2.024 2.396-2.867.014-.219.03-.436.045-.652a1.28 1.28 0 0 1-.25-.475c-.005-.021-.004-.037-.009-.059-.572.481-1.126.986-1.65 1.529-2.291 2.371-3.194 5.66-3.832 8.801-1.268 6.24-.515 12.074 3.063 17.346 3.063 4.514 7.787 8.715 13.131 10.182 6.42 1.762 13.123 1.613 19.198-1.108 2.749-1.23 5.729-2.438 8.039-4.424 2.833-2.438 4.961-5.881 6.679-9.156 2.619-4.992 2.617-10.994 1.134-16.317z"></path><path d="M17.736 31.85c.103 1.15.121 3.08 1.325 3.598a.923.923 0 0 0 .167.174c1.198.902 2.868-.504 3.876-1.109 2.797-1.674 12.586-8.037 14.039-10.277a.469.469 0 0 0-.046-.609.523.523 0 0 0-.258-.428c-1.622-.992-8.87-4.297-10.89-5.045-1.044-.389-5.593-2.34-6.212-2.355-2.373-1.525-2.021 5.525-2.033 6.152-.065 3.284-.26 6.623.032 9.899zm3.224-6.817a.518.518 0 0 0-.217.182c-.004-.299-.009-.596-.011-.891. 4.662c.063-.248.151-.498.257-.748 1.583-.371 3.088-1.146 4.634-1.645.754-.207 1.509-.414 2.259-.633-2.336 1.095-4.722 2.071-7.15 3.026zm3.42-3.933c-.18.082-.362.162-.539.25a3.529 3.529 0 0 0-.483-.244c.34-.01.681-.014 1.022-.006zm-.479-1.477c.023-.014.048-.025.074-.037a9.92 9.92 0 0 0 1.944.24c.459.055.918.113 1.378.166-.044.016-.088.029-.133.045-.97-.101-2.141-.211-3.263-.414zm4.766-1.179a65.658 65.658 0 0 1-2.291-.854c-1.265-.502-2.525-.859-3.846-1.17a3.048 3.048 0 0 1-1.052-.465c2.49.391 4.886 1.354 7.189 2.489zm-5.978-.848a23.189 23.189 0 0 0-2.278-.105c-.026-.297-.056-.592-.085-.889.748.521 1.527.783 2.363.994z"></path></svg>

    <div style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0;">
      <p class="pl-5 pt-3 text-white text-xl font-medium text-opacity-90" style="margin-top: 0 !important; margin-bottom: 0 !important;"> <!-- class = whatever css you've provided via the titleCss option. -->
        Marine biologist plays SUBNAUTICA BELOW ZERO



When the plugin detects errors, i.e. an incorrectly formatted youtube placeholder element, it will render a red fat error instead of a youtube placeholder.

remark-youtube-placeholder Error: The markdown is not correctly formatted.
