
Jekyll source code for HERMES public website. See repo health-economics-in-r.github.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repo contains the Jekyll source code for the HERMES website.

Local development

Make sure to clone this repo with the --recursive flag, i.e.

git clone https://github.com/Health-Economics-in-R/jekyll-source-code.git --recursive

Instructions for installing Jekyll are here: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/usage/

All Jekyll source code is in the src folder. To view your changes locally, run ./serve.sh.


The subdirectory site is a git submodule pointing to the organisation's Github page repository ( https://github.com/Health-Economics-in-R/health-economics-in-r.github.io)

We compile locally and deploy the compiled code to that repository so that we can use arbitrary Jekyll plugins (unsupported by the Github pages Jekyll builder.)

To do this in one step, run deploy.sh with a commit message as an argument. This compiles the code, copies it into the site folder, commits it with the provided message to the Github page repo, and pushes it up to Github.


./deploy.sh "added blog post"

This commits and pushes it straight to the live site, so make sure you've tested it locally first!