
IncomeSim is a time-series simulator based on the Adult dataset.

ProbAI 23 lecture

If you want to follow along in the notebook during the ProbAI lecture, you have two options:

  1. Clone this repository and open probai_lecture_github.ipynb in Jupyter/Jupyter lab
  2. Work in Colab from this notebook

The slides for the lecture can be found here.

Installing prerequisites

  • IncomeSim is written in Python 3 and based on the Scikit-learn package and the Adult dataset.
  • Start by installing python modules pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, jupyter, requests, matplotlib

Preparing the data files

You don't need to do this if you use the ProbAI notebook, the notebook does this automatically!

  • Download the Adult dataset
  • Create a folder data/income in the IncomeSim root folder
  • Place the files, adult.names and adult.test in data/income

Generating data

  • Run python -n <number of samples> -T <length of horizon> to fit the simulator and generate data