
PAC-Rom Vendor repository

Primary LanguageMakefile

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######We will not be accepting pull requests on our PAC GitHub, so please do not send hoping that you will be the exception. You will be contacted and told to use our Gerrit instead.

How to use Gerrit [Guide] (https://github.com/PAC-man/android_vendor_pac/blob/pac-5.1/docs/HowToUseGerrit.md)

Getting Started: Preparing and building [Linux Guide] (https://github.com/PAC-man/android_vendor_pac/blob/pac-5.1/docs/PrepareForBuildLinux.md) or [Mac OS Guide] (https://github.com/PAC-man/android_vendor_pac/blob/pac-5.1/docs/PrepareForBuildMac.md)

Device Maintainers: Guidelines and submitting [Guide] (https://github.com/PAC-man/android_vendor_pac/blob/pac-5.1/docs/BecomeAMaintainer.md)