You can find this project hosted at
- Choose your audio file and play it to create frequencies visualization
- Set parameters and save them as setting
- Export/Import all of your settings to .json file
- Import sample settings with one click
- Contol elements' display with keyboard hotkeys
- Open
- Load your audio (GENERAL → Sound file → Browse)
- Play (SPACE or click on the player)
- Import Sample Settings (LOAD/SAVE → Sample Settings → ADD)
- Load one of the added settings (LOAD/SAVE → Settings → LOAD)
- Polygons
- Radial bars (with logarithmic amplitude scale option)
- Horizontal bars (with logarithmic amplitude scale option)
- LOAD/SAVE sidebar category
- Set parameters and save them as setting
- Export/Import all of your settings to .json file
- Import or remove sample settings with one click
- Browse and play a file to run (GENERAL → Sound file → Browse)
- Resize the sidebar by dragging its edge
- Set slider value with number input
- Focus the slider to change by the minimal value with side arrows
- mouse over a parameter to display its description
- UP - show/hide sidebar
- DOWN - show/hide player
- F11 - fullscreen on/off
- SPACE - play/pause audio
- CTRL - FPS visibility
- SHIFT - opening buttons visibility
Depending on which you choose, there are different parameters to control. Polygons and radial bars may have rotation speed.
- Use FPS meter (CTRL) to check the performance.
- Most demanding is polygons mode, the rest should go fast even on mobile devices
- Since JS is executed at user's device, it depends on its capabilities
- Especially complex shapes with many lines (large FFT size) and high area of drawing are computationally expensive
- Lower down the slider value if you experience lags
- FFT size - Since FFT size/2 = bars(lines) amount
- Width Multiplier - Lower this first (polygons)
- Polygon Symmetry
- Inset Modifier - Negative inset with high amplification gives incredible shapes (along with incredible FPS drops ocasionally ;))
- Amplification - If lines are especially dense in the middle
- Shadow - Initially shadow's alpha=0 so it's not visible, therefore it's not taking resources. Shadow's blur is expensive.
To Frankslaboratory for inspiring and teaching me to do this project.