Here in this project, the 555 Timer is made to operate in the Astable Multivibrator Mode. The 1KΩ Resistor, the 10KΩ POT and the 0.1μF Capacitor connected with respect to Pins 2, 6 and 7 will play an important role. Based on the charge and discharge timings of the Capacitor, a PWM Signal is generated at the OUT Pin i.e. Pin 3 of the 555 Timer IC. The output of the 555, which is taken form pin 3, is connected to the led panel through the NPN Transistor (2N2222 is used here) and a 1KΩ resistor. The 1KΩ resistor is used to limit the base current of the transistor and transistor is used as an amplifier to limit or enhance the current which is given to the LED panel.