sbt project compiled with Scala 3


This is a normal sbt project. You can compile code with sbt compile, run it with sbt run, and sbt console will start a Scala 3 REPL.

For more information on the sbt-dotty plugin, see the scala3-example-project.


  1. failed with status 403 and body {"code":403,"msg":"Access denied"}
    1. always return this error when access to export api even I add origin header.So give up for now...
  2. no valid certification: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
    1. retrive host certificate to local mubu.cert:
    2. import mubu.cert to java keystore, default keystore password is changeit:
      sudo keytool -import -file mubu.cert -alias mubu  -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts