OPC Farallons end products

Operational predictions of blue whale (probability of presence), humpback (density), anchovy (probability of presence), and EPAC (catch per unit effort, CPUE) distributions.

For each species, outputs include:

Daily products

1. Rasters

Daily rasters of predicted distribution (.grd and .gri; "rasters")

2. Maps

Daily maps of predicted distribution (.png; "maps")

3. EPAC metadata

Daily metadata (.csv; "epac_metadata") for each EPAC prediction documenting how many days of data were available to make each rolling average monthly prediction in 1. & 2.

Two week products

4. Two week rasters

Rolling two week average rasters (.grd and .gri; "two_week_rasters") of predicted distribution

5. Two week maps

Rolling two week average maps (.png; "two_week_maps") of predicted distribution

6. Two week metadata

Rolling two week metadata (.csv; "two_week_metadata") for each output in 4. & 5. documenting how many days of data were available. Metadata can be matched to two week predictions by “end20XX-XX-XX”


7. RAMP zone indicators

Daily indicators (.csv and .png; "ramp_zone_indicators") of average predicted distribution in RAMP zones 3 and 4

Downloading products

If you don't use github:

A. Navigate to the folder you want to download and copy URL, e.g. raster data for November 2023: https://github.com/HeatherWelch/OPC_Farallons_end_products_final/tree/main/rasters/2023/11
B. Paste URL in box here: https://download-directory.github.io/
C. Folder will be compressed and downloaded

If you use github:

A. Clone the repository: https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/cloning-a-repository

If you use R:

(And want to integrate products into an operational workflow)


  save_name=file_path %>% 
    str_split(.,"/") %>% 
    unlist() %>% 
  file = glue("{save_dir}/{save_name}")
  f = CFILE(file,mode="wb")
  a=curlPerform(url=git_url,writedata=f@ref,noprogress=FALSE, .opts = RCurl::curlOptions(ssl.verifypeer=FALSE))


download_git(username = username,repository_name = repository_name, file_path = file_path, save_dir = save_dir)


Species distribution model references

A. Krill: Cimino et al. 2020. Ecography
B. Anchovy: Fennie et al. 2023. Proc.B
C. Blue whale: Abrahms et al. 2019. Diversity and Distributions
D. Humpback whale: Unpublished. Examples of use: Samhouri et al. 2021. Proc. B
Welch et al. 2023. Conservation Biology

Operationalization code
