A simple setuptools command to help with virtualenv
Use either poetry or pipx according to your use case.
The objective of this utility is to provide means for easy creation of a virtual environment for local packages using python's standard venv module and to integrate with setuptools distribution model for seamless resolution and installation of dependencies.
Inside your package root folder execute the following to create the venv and install your package dependencies inside it:
python ./setup.py venv
or (if your setup.py
is executable)
./setup.py venv
Currently updating dependencies inside the venv is not working correctly. It's recommended to recreate the venv to archive it.
(This will be fixed in a posterior version)
./setup.py venv --rm && ./setup.py venv
--env-name (-n) Virtual environment name.
(DEFAULT: Project name)
--get-pip Virtual env get-pip.py URL.
(DEFAULT: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py)
--extras (-e) Comma separated list of extras to be installed.
--system-site-packages Make the system (global) site-packages dir available to the
created environment.
--rm Remove virtual environment.
--editable Install package to venv as editable.
--location (-l) Retrieve virtual environment location.
--old-resolver Force pip to use its old resolver.
Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Vítor Vasconcellos. All rights reserved.