This is my personal project of a BOT to play the game Splinterlands
run npm start
to start BOT login routine. username and password needs to be specified in the file .env in the root as variable like: PASSWORD=yourpassword
run node battleGetData.js
to generate the file 'history.json' with a unique array with the history of the battles of an array of users (to be specified in the file).
input data for future model:
- mana_cap: the total mana that can be selected
- ruleset: rules applied for the match (to be explored)
- inactive: type of monster card that are not available for the match. important for the summoner selection (first card)
Example: [{"summoner_id":178, "summoner_level":1, "monster_1_id":174, "monster_1_level":1, "monster_1_abilities":[ ], "monster_2_id":172, "monster_2_level":1, "monster_2_abilities":[ ], "monster_3_id":169, "monster_3_level":1, "monster_3_abilities":[ ], "monster_4_id":"", "monster_4_level":"" "monster_4_abilities":"", "monster_5_id":"", "monster_5_level":"", "monster_5_abilities":"", "monster_6_id":"", "monster_6_level":"", "monster_6_abilities":"", "created_date":"2020-02-21T00:51:30.717Z", "match_type":"Ranked", "mana_cap":13, "ruleset":"Back to Basics", "inactive":"Green,Black,Gold", "battle_queue_id":"a137a7b662bdb182069a8a13f36071ed14a4a6d9", "player_rating_initial":596, "player_rating_final":617, "winner":"a1492dc"],...}
run node battleGet.js
to generate the file 'playerName.json' with the history of the battles and print the list of distinct players.
input data for future model:
- mana_cap: the total mana that can be selected
- ruleset: rules applied for the match (to be explored)
- inactive: type of monster card that are not available for the match. important for the summoner selection (first card)
- details_team(1 and 2):
summoner: main card to be selected. important info for the model are "card_detail_id" and "level". Example:
"summoner":{ "uid":"starter-167-2UoZi", "xp":1, "gold":false, "card_detail_id":167, "level":1, "edition":4, "state":{ }
monsters: array of team cards. Important variables for the models are "card_detail_id", "abilites" (array), and "level". Example:
"monsters":[ { "uid":"starter-162-bZwj2", "xp":1, "gold":false, "card_detail_id":162, "level":1, "edition":4, "state":{ }, "abilities":[ "Shield" ] }, { "uid":"starter-160-zCoGb", "xp":1, "gold":false, "card_detail_id":160, "level":1, "edition":4, "state":{ }, "abilities":[ ] } ]
- when a player fled the battle: the match is not recorded