
I created this python wrapper specifically for work, it creates tubes based on human input, where we will then plasma out the holes that are created on them.

Primary LanguagePython



I don't know Javascript very well (yet). I also couldn't understand Qcad's documentation very well.

I am a new developer, so this is all pretty new to me.

Anyway, the script takes user input, validates it, then creates a javascript file that will be ran with Qcad. Upon running it will generate the shapes that were created with user input from the python script.

Pretty weird, but I could not figure out how to accomplish user input and what not in javascript. So.. Whatever, it works

I am just hoping by making this public that anyone else thats trying to figure out Qcad scripting can see this, and replicate it themselves, if they also have issues with figuring out Qcad scripting


I strictly use this for work, it creates tubes with holes in it, and we use a plasma table to plasma out the holes in the tubes. The tubes are then used to construct a building. Thats pretty much it.