
Small QOL KSP mod for modders that allows them to provide in-game changelogs for their mods

Primary LanguageC#

Kerbal Changelog

This project is meant to be a simple way for mod creators to add an in-game changelog for their users when they release a new version.


Adding a changelog

To add a changelog, create a config file (.cfg) with the following nodes and fields (as an example):

// Must use this node name
	// Add your mod's name here
	modName = Kerbal Changelog
	// Declares a version node
		// Version number, numbers only with no spaces!
		version = 1.1
		// Any changes in that version. There can be as many change fields as you want
		change = Fixed window scrolling
		change = Added shiny buttons
		change = Removed bugs
		// Create a node to add more details to a change
			// Unity rich text format supported
			// https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.ugui@1.0/manual/StyledText.html
			change = <color=#ff0000><b>Important breaking change!</b></color>
			type = Change
		version = 1.0
		change = First release!

This will then be displayed in a changelog window that appears in the main menu the first time the user starts the game with a changelog that has the showChangelog set to True. After this initial load, the user will no longer see the changelog for that mod until the mod creator releases a new version with the changelog cfg file's showChangelog field set to True.

This will handle as many mods as have changelogs the user has installed, but please do not create multiple changelog files for a single mod. This will lead to multiple changelog pages showing up in the window, and confusion for everyone.