
This project contains a demonstration of a fake fraud-detection model, designed to exemplify how to deploy a machine-learning model using a custom Docker Image on Amazon's SageMaker.

Getting Started

Installation process


Poetry is used for dependency management and packaging in Python.


Install AWS CLI

The AWS CLI is used to interact with AWS services.

Configure SSO

To configure Single Sign-On (SSO) for AWS CLI:


Set your AWS profile and login via SSO:

export AWS_PROFILE=<your-aws-profile>
aws sso login

For instance:

export AWS_PROFILE=191678926016_AWSPowerUserAccess
aws sso login

Retrieve your AWS identity to confirm successful login:

aws sts get-caller-identity

Environmental Variables

To test locally, you must create a '.env' file in the project's root directory to store all the environmental variables. To do so, you can use the following template:



  1. Create python environment with all dependencies:

    poetry install
  2. Activate python environment:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install pre-commit hooks:

    pre-commit install

Train model

To train the model, run:

python train

Serve model local

Build the docker container locally:

docker build --tag fraud:latest . 

After training the model you can serve it using the following command:

docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/assets/api:/opt/ml/model/ --name fraud-server fraud:latest serve

After initializing the server you can make a health check using:

curl -v http://localhost:8080/ping

You should get something like:

*   Trying [::1]:8080...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080
> GET /ping HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: nginx/1.22.1
< Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2024 05:22:58 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 1
< Connection: keep-alive

Upload model to S3

Make the script to upload the model artifacts to S3 executable:

chmod +x  

Use the provided script to upload the model to an S3 bucket:

./ <s3-bucket-name> fraud-detection

Replace with your S3 bucket name.

Build and push Docker image

Make the script to build and push the Docker Image to ECR executable:

chmod +x  

Use the provided script to build and push the Docker Image to ECR:

./ fraud-detection

Deploy the model in Sagemaker

Create the model in SageMaker

To create a model deployable model inside Sagemaker you will need to:

  1. Train and upload your model to S3 first and obtain its S3 unique resource identifier (URI).
  2. Build and push your Docker image to ECR and obtain its URI.
  3. Have a valid Execution role ARN.
python create_model_in_sagemaker \
--region-name <your region name, e.g. eu-west-1> \
--ecr-uri-image <Your docker Image URI> \
--model-artifacts-s3-uri <Your model S3 URI> \
--execution-role-arn <Your Execution role> \
--model-name <a model name>

This scrip will log the model ARN in you command line.

Create the Endpoint in SageMaker

Additional Notes

  • Make sure to have the necessary AWS IAM permissions configured for SSO, S3 access, and SageMaker operations.
  • Update the .env file with any additional required environment variables specific to your setup.
  • The script assumes AWS CLI is configured and has the necessary permissions to access the specified S3 bucket.