Paul Ikubanni (Heccubernny)

I’m an Undergraduate and Software Engineer

. 👋 Hi, I’m Paul Ikubanni
. 👀 I’m a Software Engineer and Undergradute
. 👀 Lover of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
. 🌱 I’m currently working toward learn about AI, Data Science, with the help of amazing tools like python, 
      sckit-learn, sckit-image, tensorflow
. 📫 I'm currently also working on improving my software engineering skills
. 🎟 I’m interested in Computer vision and Image processing
. 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on any web project with application of AI using Django, Laravel, React, and Express, to improve my knowledge boundaries.
. 😄 Pronouns - He/ His/ Him

. 📫 You can reach via my mail @ -

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class aboutme():
  def __init__(self, name, pronoun): = name
    self.pronoun = pronoun

  def show(self):
    title = ""
    if self.pronoun == "He" or self.pronoun == "His" or self.pronoun == "Him":
      title = "Mr"
      print("Welcome {0}, {1} ".format(title,
      title = "Ma"
      print("Welcome {0}, {1} ".format(title,
myself = aboutme("Heccubernny", "Him")

Solve the simple puzzle to know my name and pronoun

technologyLanguages = [Javascript,  Python, PHP, Java]
technologyLibraries = [React Js, Next Js, Laravel, Django]
const aboutMe = {
   pronouns: "he" | "him",
   code: [Javascript, Python, Java, C#],
   webTechnologies: {
      frontEnd: {
         js: ["React"],
         css: ["Bootstrap", "TailwindCSS"]
      backEnd: {
          "Django", "Laravel", "ASP.NET (WEB API)", "Node", "NextJS", "ExpressJS", "Spring Boot"
      databases: ["mySQL", "SQLite3", "Postgresql", "MongoDB"],
    "Numpy", "Pandas", "Matplotlib", "Seaborn", "Plotly", "Scikit-Learn"
   currently: ["Final year undergraduate student, open for job and internship opportunities"],
   challenge: "I'm working on improving my social networking life as I devoted my time improving on myself and helping others.",

spotify-github-profile Card Ikubanni Paul's Dev Card

⚡ GitHub Activites

GitHub Streak

< Ashutosh's github activity graph

Pull Request

1. 🗣 Commented on [#197](hngprojects/hng_boilerplate_nestjs#197 (comment)) in [hngprojects/hng_boilerplate_nestjs]( 2. 🗣 Commented on [#197](hngprojects/hng_boilerplate_nestjs#197 (comment)) in [hngprojects/hng_boilerplate_nestjs](
Wakatime Activities Heccubernny Wakatime Activity

- 💻 My Blog Post: 💻 -

Dev Articles

Stackoverflow Contributions

**Languages and Tools:**

***Software Development Tools***

VS Code  VS Code  VS Code  VS Code  VS Code  Github  Git  HTML  CSS  MySQL  WordPress  VS Code 
VS Code

***Data Science / Machine Learning Tools***

VS Code Pandas  Numpy 

***Programming Language***

Python  Javascript  cpp  VS Code  VS Code 

## Currently Learning

VS Code  cpp  Docker  cpp  cpp  VS Code  cpp  VS Code 

## To Learn in the Future:

cpp VS Code VS Code cpp Java  MS SqlServer  RStudio 

***Misc Tools***

VS Code VS Code VS Code

Buy Me A Coffee

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)

**Visitors Count**