
HeckR_Replace_Collection is a collection of configuration ini files which can be used with HeckR_Replace


HeckR_Replace_Collection is a collection of configuration ini files which can be used with HeckR_Replace

Content Overview

The files are separater into categories based on what they generally are, or used for.



Anything too general to be categoried anywhere else.

Generally normal string to string replaces.


Those kinds of replaces, that are constantly, and fundamentally changing typeing.

Generally foreign alphabets, or unicode provided character "styles".


Symbols that are either usually required in math, or can make formulas easier to read / closer to what hand writing would look like.

Generally complicated or merged math symbols.


Replaces with values that have multiple lines.

Generally quotes, templates.


Different kinds of number related replaces.

Generally unicode provided number "styles".


In the scope of this repository, this is just a suggestion/template where you could extend the replaces with any kind of personal information. Although it is strongly not recommended to add passwords, or any kind of sensitive information, because there is no built in encription which would protect you data from being stolen by spywares.

Generally abbreviations of regularly typed personal data.


A whole bunch of unicode characters.

Generally emojis, and highly graphical characters.


Unicode has a fascinating concept of character combinations, that allows you to combine specific kinds of unicode characters into entirely new characters, like my favorite, the dark skinned mother of christmas 🤶🏿 (🤶+ 🏿), which you can put together with the symbols available here.

If you want to know more about Unicode, check out Unicode.org - Emoji Charts