Real Time Embedded System

This course is offered by NYU Tandon school of Eningeering. I took this course at 2021 Fall semester with Matthew Campisi as the instructor.

Tentative Schedule

• Week 1: Preliminaries : definitions, examples of embedded systems, computer organization concepts, memory

• Week 2: ARM Cortex Mxxx Hardware Overview

• Week 3: Embedded C programming concepts/VS Code IDE/Embed OS

• Week 4: ARM Assembly Language

• Week 5: Ports, Registers, GPIO

• Week 6: Timers , Counters, and PWM

• Week 7: Analog I/O, ADC/DAC/ Embedded DSP

• Week 8: Communications :, USART, SPI, TWI (Exam 1)

• Week 9: Interrupts, ISRs and Callbacks

• Week 10: RTOS Characteristics: Scheduling, priorities, reentrancy

• Week 11: RTOS: Shared Resources Management, Mutex, Semaphores and Critical Sections

• Week 12: Reliability and System Modeling (Exam 2)

• Week 13: Future of embedded systems : Networking and IOT (Internet of Things)

• Week 14: Project Recap and Prep


I strongly suggest students take computer architecture structure(CAS) before taking this one. Campisi will not go through all the hardware knowledge. Basic understanding of computer hardware is required if you want to get A in this course.


Since Campisi use the same assignment repeatly in each semester, I will not release my solution for the assignments.

Final Project

In this project ,we aimed to design a distance recording program, with board STM32F429I with Gyroscope I3G4250D. Our project has great accuracy to measure the distance and handle different moving status(Fast running , slow moving, and unconstant speed. The final accuracy is higher than apple health.) All my code, report, and presentation can be find in this repository.

Final Grade

Although the course materials are hard to understand, the professor is kind and the final grade is friendly: Around(Even more than in some semesters) 50% students get A/A- in this course.

I got full score and ranked NO.1 in this course: full score for all assignments, coding homeworks, two exams, and final project.