Paper: A deep energy method for finite deformation hyperelasticity
Authors: Vien Minh Nguyen-Thanh, Xiaoying Zhuang, Timon Rabczuk
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids Available online 25 October 2019, 103874
Contact: (institute email:
Create DeepEnergyMethod directory: cd <workingdir>; mkdir DeepEnergyMethod
Download dem_hyperelasticity source code and put it under DeepEnergyMethod. The directory is like <workingdir>/DeepEnergyMethod/dem_hyperelasticity
Setup environment with conda: conda create -n demhyper python=3.7
Switch to demhyper environment to start working with dem: source activate demhyper
Install numpy, scipy, matplotlib: pip install numpy scipy matplotlib
Install pytorch and its dependencies: conda install pytorch; conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch
Install pyevtk for view in Paraview: pip install pyevtk
Setup PYTHONPATH environment by doing either a.(temporary use) or b.(permanent use):
a. export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:<workingdir>/DeepEnergyMethod"
b. add the above line to the end of file ~/.bashrc and execute "source ~/.bashrc"
To use fem to compare the results with fem, we recommend to install fenics
conda config --add channels conda-forge
!conda install fenics