
deployments made easy.

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Welcome to Fabric Interface

This project is work in progress, there's no production-ready release available yet. Want to speed things up? This is an open-source project with a spare time budget. Donations are very welcome and will be used solely to improve Fabric Interface :-)

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Documentation for this repository can be found at readthedocs.org


  1. Install:

    $ git clone https://github.com/Hedde/fabric_interface
    $ cd fabric_interface
    $ virtualenv venv
    $ . venv/bin/activate
    $ (venv)pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Migrate db:

    $ (venv)python manage.py migrate
  3. Start Redis:

    $ redis-server  (or overwrite cache settings in a local_settings.py)
  4. Run:

    $ (venv)python manage.py runserver


project screen

user permissions screen