Test for the Front-end Developer position at BigBang Digital Instructions: Practical test: Develop a website according to the attached image, following the instructions for evaluation:
- The project must use Vue.js.
- You may use style libraries such as Bootstrap, Quasar, and similar ones.
- We will evaluate your experience with responsiveness.
- We would like to see your experience with FontAwesome, EvaIcons, or similar.
- Componentize everything you deem necessary.
- The project doesn't need to have a backend connection, but we would like to see your experience with data retrieval. Try to place the elements in objects and utilize iteration.
- Be creative and good luck! The complete layout is available on Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/4Jj8YB96mCmFxGqm46aJ41/Teste-Frontend-BigBang---Figma?type=design&node-id=0-1&mode=design&t=p4t60aERSaOHS4dA-0
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint