
API for checking articles for german words

Primary LanguageJavaScript


API for checking articles for german words.


GET /v1/words/random

Returns random word and a corresponding article to it. Success response has status 200 and JSON format like this:

    "article": "der",
    "word": "Wettbewerb"


You will need a MongoDB >= 3 to be installed. The required version of Node is specified in package.json and .nvmrc. You can then install all dependencies by simply running:

    npm install

There is a seed data in data/words.json, they can be imported in mongo by running this task:

    npm run data:import


    npm run dev

Server will be running on port 3000 and accessible on http://localhost:3000


There are unit and integration tests. If you want to run the whole test suite you need to make sure that mongod instance is running and the data imported to MongoDB as described above. Running complete test suit will also trigger a linter and test coverage check that should be always on 100%:

    npm test

If you just want to run quickly only unit tests without any additional checks, run npm run test:unit. In this case you won't need to run a mongod instance.


Start you branch from the latest master and create a pull request to a master branch when you are done with your changes. All tests should pass and test coverage should remain on 100%. Tests won't pass if eslint will be complaining, so make sure to follow his advices.