
implement a model to predict the country where the tweet comes from

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Geolocation prediction for tweets

About the project

It is to predict the geolocation (country) where the tweet comes from. It involves two tasks; Task1. preprocessing a collection tweets and Task2. implementing a text classifier.


A collection of 943 tweets which contains a list of tweets and corresponding country labels is used. The country labels are the standard 2 letter country code [1].

After preprocessing the raw tweets, valid tweets are split into training, development and test datasets with a 70%/15%/15% ratio. They preserve the ratio of the classes for all partitions.


Task1. text data processing
It creates a bag-of-words (BOW) representation for the tweets. Each BOW word goes through the following steps: (1) tokenize (tweet -> word tokens); (2) lowercase; (3) remove any word that does not contain any English alphabets; (4) remove stopwords. After preprocessing, it excludes an empty tweet and return the preprocessed data.

Task2. text classifiers
It implements two models; Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression. To compare the two models, it computes accuracy and macro-averaged F-score for each classifier. Additionally, it conducts a further analysis by observing the most important features and their weights for each class for the two classifiers.

Additional tasks for hashtags
It tokenizes the collected hashtags by the MaxMatch algorithm to improve the efficiency during word lookups. It contains words including only lemmas. Also, a reversed version of the MaxMatch algorithm is implemented. To compare the two versions of algorithms, a unigram language model computes scores. The unigram model (1) uses the NLTK's Brown corpus (brown_words) for collecting word frequencies; (2) lowercases all words in the corpus; (3) uses add-one smoothing when computing the unigram probabilities; and (4) works in the log space to prevent numerical underflow.


Python 3.7.11
Numpy 1.19.5
NLTK 3.6.7


[1] https://www.iban.com/country-codes

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