This code is original owned by https://github.com/per1234/xxtea-lib I only added a single change that makes it compatible with xxtea-npm and xxtea-python

xxtea Cryptography library for Arduino

Build Status

Encryption Library for IoT devices

This library implements both RAW data encryption as well as string encryption and decryption for XXTEA.

Updates 09 Jan 2020

  • Added Javascript verifier

Updates 05 Nov 2018

  • Changed library name
  • Made sensitive definitions private
  • Changed the name of function xxtea_setup to xxtea_setup_key
  • Core functions now exposed directly so user customization possible

Updates 30-10-2018

  • Added long pending fix for libraries
  • Changing repository name

Updates 18 July 2017

  • Fixed issue reported for Signed arithmetic in Arduino Mega ADK board
  • Changed Doc format to Markdown

Updates 11 Jan 2017

  • Changed the size to more C like size_t for all RAW API.
  • Added golang example

Update 2 May 2017

  • Added Travis-CI

Update 08 May 2017

Example - Easy String based Encryption / Decryption

#include <xxtea-lib.h>

void setup() {


  // Text to Encrypt - ! Carefull no to more than 80 bytes ! - Or See `Limitations`
  String plaintext = F("Hi There we can work with this");

  // Set the Password
  xxtea.setKey("Hello Password");

  // Perform Encryption on the Data
  Serial.print(F(" Encrypted Data: "));
  String result = xxtea.encrypt(plaintext);
  result.toLowerCase(); // (Optional)

  // Perform Decryption
  Serial.print(F(" Decrypted Data: "));

void loop() {}

Example - RAW Encryption / Decryption

#include <xxtea-lib.h>

void setup() {

  uint8_t keybuf[] = "Hello Password";
  uint8_t plaintext[] = "Hi There we can work with this";
  uint8_t buffer[200];
  size_t len = 200, i;

  // Setup the Key - Once
  if(xxtea_setup(keybuf, strlen((char *)keybuf)) != XXTEA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
    Serial.println(" Assignment Failed!");

  // Perform Encryption on the Data
  len = 200;  // - Initialize the Maximum buffer length
  if(xxtea_encrypt(plaintext, strlen((char*)plaintext), buffer, &len) !=
    Serial.println(" Encryption Failed!");
    Serial.println(" Encrypted Data: ");
    for(i = 0;i<len;i++)
      Serial.println(buffer[i], HEX);

  // Perform Decryption
  if(xxtea_decrypt(buffer, len) != XXTEA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
    Serial.println(" Decryption Failed!");
    Serial.printf(" Decrypted Data: %s\n", buffer);

void loop() {}


  • At a time only 80bytes max can be encrypted due to Buffer limitations
  • Modification needed increase the 80byte at xxtea_lib.h file at line 40. This MAX_XXTEA_DATA8 indicates the size of the data buffer in bytes.
  • Maximum key size can only be 16 bytes this is mandate from XXTEA algorithm.


Thread Safe: No Extendable: Yes

For more information about this library please visit us at http://github.com/boseji/xxtea-iot-crypt



We can use the correct js implementation now for verification with this library.


Thanks to Chris Veness for providing us with this library.

Note: Use Hex to Base64 converter to match the results at https://base64.guru/converter/encode/hex


We are using the golang for verification using the library https://github.com/hillu/go-xxtea

Do a go get github.com/hillu/go-xxtea before running the below program

Example Program in Golang to verify the Encryption & Decryption:

// Program to Check the XXTEA Encryption Library
package main

import (

func main() {

  //str := "Hare Krishna"
  //key := "Hare Ram"
  str := "Hi There we can work with this"
  key := "Hello Password"
  // Create the Padded Key of 16 Bytes
  k := []byte(key)
  for (len(k) % 16) != 0 {
    k = append(k, 0)

  // Create the New Cypher
  cipher, err := xxtea.NewCipher(k)
  if err != nil {

  // Create the Byte Array for Input and Output
  plain := []byte(str)
  for (len(plain) % cipher.BlockSize()) != 0 {
    plain = append(plain, 0)
  // Encryption Buffer
  crypted := make([]byte, len(plain))
  // Perform Encryption
  cipher.Encrypt(crypted, plain)

  fmt.Println("Encrypted Data:")
  for i := 0; i < len(crypted); i++ {
    fmt.Printf("%X\n", crypted[i])
  // For Hex Representation
  dst := make([]byte, hex.EncodedLen(len(crypted)))
  hex.Encode(dst, crypted)

  // Decrypt the Encrypted Message
  cipher.Decrypt(plain, crypted)
  fmt.Println("\nDecrypted Data:")


Released Under creative commons license 3.0: Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA