
Primary LanguageShell

Automatize test report

Little concept tool that will easy the tedious task to generate long tests reports.

How to use

To run this tools, you must:

  • Open index.html on Test1 folder
  • Run MakeTestReport.sh on TestScript folder
  • At each test (eg. Test 1, Test 2, etc) you may need to press "Start Test" to get new QRCode again

Note: Must leave browser running index.html in visible plane

Know dependencies

List of installed packeges

  • python 3
  • opencv (pip install opencv-python)
  • pyzbar (pip install pyzbar)
  • pandas (pip install pandas)
  • imagemagick download-link


After install dependencies and READ how to use this tool, and yet it does not work, try:

  • On Linux: Bash script may need execution permission:
    • $~: chmod +x <file_name.sh>
  • Use Google for other issues

Note: Look code to get more understanding, it is fairly easy to understand.

How it works

On HTML file, tester (or automated script) will press "Start Test". This will generate a QRCode with tests results.

Using python opencv and zBar libraries, this tools takes a screenshoot and tries to decode the QRCode. If decoding is possible, test is considered to "PASSED", if not it is tagged with "FAILED".

After test finishes it will create a CSV file with test results.

Future works

If prove to be useful, this tool will be part of berimbau and Jenkins test suit.