
Minimal example on steps to create C++ add-on template for node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Steps to create a new Module

  • Create a new module directory pqueue.

  • Create a pqueue\src directory for your source code files.

  • Add source files to pqueue\src

    • e.g. pqueue.cpp

        #include <node.h>
        #include <v8.h>
        using namespace v8;
        Handle<Value> run(const Arguments& args) {
          HandleScope scope;
          return scope.Close(String::New("queue started"));
        void init(Handle<Object> exports) {
        NODE_MODULE(pqueue, init)
  • Try to build (from pqueue\ root folder of module)

    • Add binding.gyp file to pqueue folder.

        	"targets": [
        			"target_name": "pqueue",
        			"sources": [ "src/pqueue.cpp" ]
    • open command shell in root of project/module

    • run node-gyp configure

    • run node-gyp build

  • Create lib folder

    • Add pqueue.js file.

        var pqueue = require('../build/Release/pqueue');
        module.exports = pqueue;
      • This file will load pqueue.node, and export, and if required add other functions, exports, modules etc in future..
  • Create npm package/module

    • run npm init and fill in the prompts
    • (leave out what you don't know to be filled in later)
  • Quick test

    • run node repl

        var q = require('./');
  • Add a cup of mocha ...

    • run npm install mocha --save-dev

      • this will install mocha, and update your package.json file to inlude the dependency module
    • run npm install should --save-dev

      • this is another helper module that simplifies test cases (allows for syntax like: myVar.should.equal('somevalue'))
    • Create test folder

      • add test cases, e.g. pqueue__basic.js into test folder.

          var should = require("should");
          var pqueue = require('../');
          describe('pqueue -- basic', function(){
          	before(function() {
          	it('should allow for xyz', function(){
          		// ...
          	it('should fail when xyz', function(){
          		// ...
    • run npm test to run tests.

  • Further development changes

    • you can run the following commands from root folder during futher development/changes
      (read up more on each of these commands in you don't know how to use them)

        node-gyp build
        node-gyp clean
        node-gyp rebuild
        npm install
        npm test
        npm start
    • alternatively, once you do node-gyp build or node-gyp rebuild, you can open the visual studio files and debug, code etc from there ..

To install

	git clone https://github.com/HeikoR/node-addon-template.git pqueue-min
	cd pqueue-min
	npm install
	npm test
	npm start

Or you can use npm:

	npm install git+https://github.com/HeikoR/node-addon-template.git