V Rising Discord Bot

A Discord bot that helps with V Rising server management and community management

Getting Started


  • discord.js
  • gamedig
  • rcon
  • config
  • graceful-fs
  • moment


  • Clone project
git clone https://github.com/HeiseMo/v-rising-discord-bot.git
  • Install NPM packages
npm install

Executing program

node .

First Steps

  1. If you already dont have an Admin role, create a role called Admin.
  2. Create 2 Voice channels and copy their IDs for the step below.
  3. You will need to register your server and information with the following command;
/register [Server IP] [Query Port] [Server Logo] [Role] [PlayerCount Channel ID] [ServerStatus Channel ID]

Example Command:

// /register 123.456.789.123 1111 https://someimage.com/coolimage.png Admin 12345678912 32165498712

This will help with getting information for the commands and also update your 2 channels for player count and server status. Updates for those 2 channels are by default set to 30 min intervals.



/register [Server IP] [Query Port] [Server Logo] [Role] [PlayerCount Channel ID] [ServerStatus Channel ID]

RCON Message

/rconm [server IP] [RCON Port] [RCON PASSWORD] [message]

RCON Announcement

/rcona [server IP] [RCON Port] [RCON PASSWORD] [minutes]






  1. Create a .env file in the directory and add the following lines.
ROLE="Admin"                                   #Role name you would like admin right check for admin commands
DISCORDCHANNELNAMEREFRESHRATE=1800000          #Input the seconds you would like to refresh the 2 voice channels 60000 = 1 minute
DISCORDBOTTOKEN=""                             #Your discord bot token


Contributors names and contact info

Timur James Tanurhan aka doubtfulhermit

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release
  • 0.2
    • Converted to Discord.js v14