
learn opengl with mingw (makefile) in vscode

Primary LanguageC++

LearnOpengl with mingw makefile in vscode

English 中文

cmake -S ./ -B ./build/ -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cd build
mingw32-make.exe -j4

or use build.bat

  • Mouse right-click (Camera | Cursor)
  • Scroll wheel (Movement speed)
  • w a s d (Movement direction)
  • Left Ctrl key mouse wheel controls camera Fov
  • Focus on the imgui window, the above operation will not work
Build GLFW
  • GLFW the GLFW source code package and recompile it to make sure it runs on you own machine
  • Unzip the source code and open CMake
  • Input the source code and build(mkdir) directory
  • Click Configure, Select MinGW Makefiles
  • After Configure, Click BUILD_SHARED_LIBS, Create a dynamic library
  • Click Generate
  • In build directory run cmd $:mingw32-make ../
  • Copy files in build/src/ glfw3.dlllibglfw3dll.a, and source code/include
Configure GLAD
  • language - C/C++, API - higher than 3.3, Profile - Core, Generate a loader, Generate, GLAD the zip
  • gcc .\src\glad.c -c -I.\include\
  • ar -rc libglad.a glad.o
  • copy file libglad.a and include
  • Assimp Assimp source code and extract it to a local directory
  • Use CMake to configure and generate build files for the Assimp source code, By default, the build directory will be generated
  • Navigate to the build directory and use the mingw32-make command to compile the Assimp source code and generate executable files or libraries
  • Put the build\lib\libassimp.dll.a file into lib/ directory
  • Put the build\bin\libassimp-5.dll file into the same directory as the executable file(exe)
Loading MMD models
  • For mmd models such as pmx format, it seems that assimp can only load tex textures(albedo/diffuse), corresponding to aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, and cannot load sph/spa toon textures of mmd models, but we can convert them to obj models and manually configure the mtl file load the texture, use blender to import the blender_mmd_tools, and then export it as an OBJ format file.
# example of mtl file
newmtl model_name
Ns xx.xxxxxx
Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Kd 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Ni 1.000000
d 1.000000
illum 3
map_Kd diffuse_texture.png
map_Ks specular_texture.png
map_Bump bump_texture.png
    // gltf----------------------------obj---------------------------------name
    // aiTextureType_DIFFUSE           aiTextureType_DIFFUSE        map_Kd albedo      0      
    // aiTextureType_NORMALS           aiTextureType_NORMALS        map_Kn normal      1
    // aiTextureType_METALNESS         aiTextureType_SPECULAR       map_Ks metallic    2
    // aiTextureType_DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS aiTextureType_SHININESS      map_Ns roughness   3
    // aiTextureType_LIGHTMAP          aiTextureType_AMBIENT        map_Ka ao          4
    // aiTextureType_EMISSIVE          aiTextureType_EMISSIVE       map_Ke emissive    5
  • Use CMake to configure the FreeType source code and generate build files.
  • Enter the build directory and mingw32-make to compile and generate the libarary
  • Copy the include of source code
  • build\lib\libfreetype.a in the lib/