42-Push Swap

Push Swap is a 42 project that consists of ordering a list of integers using only 2 stacks with the least number of moves and following specific rules!

Allowed moves:

Instructions Description
sa swap first two elements of stack A
sb swap first two elements of stack B
ss sa and sb at the same time
pa pops the first elememt on B and puts it on top of A
pb pops the first elememt on B and puts it on top of B
ra rotates stuck A up by one
rb rotates stuck B up by one
rr rotates both A and B up by one
rra rotates stuck A down by one
rrb rotates stuck B down by one
rrr rotates both A and B down by one

I chose the radix sort which was enough to pass with 84 points, but I will definitely return to this project in search of the 125 points.

What I've learned:

  • Algorithm's Time Complexity
  • Sorting algorithms
  • Improve understanding of linked lists
  • C programming
  • Basic algorithms

Installation and Running

Install push_swap with make

  ARGS="5 4 3 2 1"
  ./push_swap $ARGS

The program shows which moves were used to sort the list!

Useful links