Olaf’s Escape

Play game!


Based on a character from the Blizzard Classic, The Lost Vikings, this game follows Oleg, a shield-bearing Viking, who recently escaped imprisonment from aliens on their spaceship. He is free of their custody but is still on their ship! He must use his mighty shield as a glider to make his way safely to the ground. He needs your to help to avoid obstacles on his way down.


Functionality & MVPs

In Oleg’s Escape, users will be able to:

  • Start the game
  • Use computer keys to navigate left and right on the screen
  • Use navigation to avoid obstacles as they appear on screen
  • View how far they are from the ground on an altitude reader
  • Win or lose the game

In addition, this project will include:

  • Background information on the game, including the rules
  • A legend of keys used for gameplay
  • A production readme




  • Canvas
  • Webpack
  • JavaScript

Code Snippet - Call to animate game

One tricky part of this project was figuring out where and in what order to animate. I initially made each class control it's own animation, which was a big mistake. Even though the classes all moved in different ways, there was a lot of redundant code, and stopping the animation on game over was also impossible to disperse to each of the classes from the game class. I rewrote all that code here in 3 steps - drawing the classes, checking for collisions, then moving the objects.

    //draw all classes
    this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, 600, 400)
    this.ctx.drawImage(this.background.img, 0, this.background.y, 1200, 3500, 0, 0, 600, 1771);
    this.ctx.drawImage(this.mothership.img, 400, this.mothership.y, this.mothership.width, this.mothership.height )
    this.ctx.drawImage(this.player.img, this.player.x, this.player.y, this.player.width, this.player.height)
    this.enemies.forEach(enemy => {
         this.ctx.drawImage(enemy.img, enemy.x, enemy.y, enemy.width, enemy.height)

    //move all classes
    if (this.background.y >= 2500) {
    this.altitude -= this.altitudeSpeed

    // checks for collision before making the next animation frame
    if (this.gameOver === false){
    if (this.collidesWith()) {
        this.gameOver = true
        this.running = false
    } else {
        this.enemies.forEach(enemy => enemy.move())

Implementation Timeline

Day 1: - General setup, canvas research, sprite research

  • Create canvas, basic HTML structure

Day 2: - Implement background, create Player class

  • Render background, animate for descent
  • Create player, allow player to move left / right
  • Create start position

Day 3: – Create Enemies, start Collision Detection

  • Create enemies and randomly generate them on the game board
  • Start collision work

Day 4: - Complete Collision Detection

Day 5: – Work on game logic

  • Altitude tracker
  • Start
  • Win / lose

Day 6: – Add animation

  • Test and Deploy on GitHub Pages

Bonus – future features

  • Replace player image with animated sprites
  • Add pause
  • 2 speeds for difficulty
  • Extra points can be gained from picking up prizes on the way down.
  • Multiple levels