
Wishlist for online collaboration processes, flows and spaces.

Collaboration Processes, Flows & Spaces

Wishlist for online collaboration processes, flows and spaces

I've been working on collaborative projects for the past three years in various environments many of which focus on developing collaboration tools because they need them!

Increasingly, people assemble and reassemble in ad hoc ways in networks or alliances of networks, around specific projects that are usually 'object' based, and build a repository of what they have been doing that may come and grow as a commons. They need to go in and out of virtual work spaces for fluid collaborations. While all you marvelous developers out there get the next killer app, MVP or dream platform built, I have created the Commons Abundance Network contextualization and collaboration platform on Wordpress, and I struggle to get it to do what I want!

What I imagine, what I dream of being able to do in practice thanks to the development of the semantic web is the following:

  • Have my own personal profile with all the data necessary for authentication etc etc where I list my intentions, needs/wishes and what I have to share, portable.

Simple example are linked profiles such as what we created as an exercise at OuishareLabs Camp, here's mine or the project we had at the labscamp in 2013 my-profile.eu...

  • Have all the projects I am engaged in, held in common/commons with my friends, described as collectives etc, portable.

Example, the semantic badging/tagging system movecommons or a more complete 'qualifying' systemic language under construction such as described here

  • 'Bring myself' as a person and ourselves as collectives or collaborative projects onto/into various platforms or ad hoc mission oriented collaborative spaces, pin ourselves to existing maps, add ourselves to calendars etc…

These project blocs such as here and there, that we have to reproduce n times, I want to plug the same one everywhere. And maybe want some tweaks 'on the premises'

  • Process and reprocess various forms of content, external data and generated content. Starting individually and collaboratively with liquid free open text/conversation and then gradually 'dispatching' or sending parts of it for 'reprocessing' into other forms (documents, project management, mindmaps, decision tools etc) bringing structure when relevant, as well as the relevant data, as projects crystalize. Sending this content to other spaces for aggregation, curation with editing/publishing/commenting/annotating capability.

Example and more requirements described here. A combination of The Brain, Trello, Gincko, Loomio, Discourse, Small Federated Wiki

  • Pull in an ad hoc individual or group space all the kinds of people, projects, content and data to follow, aggregate and curate, and then send out, disseminate, activate.

Example, a lighter and distributed version of the pull platform described here, or Netention.

  • Visualize stigmergetic feedback and how parts of a whole can see their environment as well as the whole evolve, and the relationships between parts in action, enabling gaps to be identified, possibilities explored, opportunities seized, needs fulfilled and impacts visualized.

Some inspirations and more details in Visualizations for Systemic Change and Visualization of Stigmergetic Project

I'm thinking 'plugin', pinging, pining, RSS type of processes and flows, that enable to assemble, disassemble and reassemble ad hoc, project based... I'm thinking browser (does it make sense?) with the right plugins, processing, pulling, visualizing and diffusing tools and semantic functions... I'm thinking protocols, interoperability technologies, connected shareability that the distributed semantic web can enable...