Backend Assignment for Speer

What it contains?

It contains a server that runs with a Database and an http handler that allows you to create an login users with a username and passwords. The user can create, update and delete notes that they write. They can also share notes with other users. It has a hadnler called searchNotes which allows a user to search in his notes a speecific query and return all the notes that contain the query.

How to run it

Just copy this repo anywhere and type docker compose up. Your server will start running on the port :8080 and meilisearch on 7700.

What is Used in this project?

This project makes use of the following things:-

  1. PostGres:- The SQL database with most open source extensions which helps extensively in the long run.
  2. Golang:- The language of choice for the project. Easy to implement, performant, space efficient and most of all with very less chances of shooting yourself in the foot.
  3. Meilisearch:- Think of it as a lightweight ElasticSearch or Solr. The reason I didn't go with text indexing libraries of golang itself was because I wanted filterable attributes namely the user_id so taht a user can only search his own notes.
  4. Golang Migrate:- This was used to create schema directories and run migrations on the database. The reason I like this tool is because it lets me run migrations from code itself too in case I don't have access to docker-file.
  5. SQLC:- Perhaps my favourite here. SQLC lets me write SQL queries in a folder and in turn generate safe code which I can just plug and play with my handlers.

What's working?

Well all the endpoints are working. Even the fuzzy search one.

What's left

I am thinking of generating a swagger for the APIS using swaggo . Apart from this I am looking faker.js alternatives in golang to create on the fly api testings.

Contact me

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