
Primary LanguagePython


Command usage

usage: raiden [-h] [-v V] [--pools POOLS] [--env ENV] [--log-path LOG_PATH]
              [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--log-name LOG_NAME]
              action [images [images ...]]

positional arguments:
  action                Define launcher action, can be run, stop, restart,
                        clean, clean-image
  images                List of targeted containers. if not defined, command
                        will target all containers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v V                  Define log level from 0 (debug) to 3 (error only),
                        default 1 (info)
  --pools POOLS         Define the container pool folder path
  --env ENV             Define environement to launch
  --log-path LOG_PATH   Define where log should be written. No logging if not
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Define log level
  --log-name LOG_NAME   Define logname. default raiden

What is Raiden

Raiden is made to help you manage a server using a docker base architecture.


For Raiden to work you need the following package to be installed with docker 1.3 and python 2.7 (not tested on anterior versions for now) :

  • python-yaml


Each container folder must have a raiden.yml file wich define how container must run, and how it will interact with others. If no configuration file, container will ignored by raiden since he won't know what to do with it. For now oly 3 parameters are mandatory : name and type.


Name Description
run Run containers and their dependencies. Build images if needed
stop Stop containers
restart Stop containers and then start them again
clean Stop containers and delete them
clean-image Stop containers, delete them and their images

For each one of these action, you can target specific containers. If don't target any, all containers will be targeted by Raiden. See ... for exemples.

Parameters details

Name Description Value exemple Mantatory
name Name of container, will be used by raiden to name images and containers apache yes
type Can be platform, application or layer platform yes
dockerfilePrefix Prefix path to dockerfile if not in the same folder as Raiden configuration file docker/ no
options Running options for container, explained just after no
environement Override options depending on environement defined on --env option no

Running options details

Name Description Value exemple
expose List of port to follow from host to container. Use the synthax host_port:container_port 8080:80
mount List of folders to follow from host to container. Use the synthax host_folder:container_folder /some/local/path:/some/container/path
link list of container we should have access to. Using docker --link option. You must pass a raiden container name. yass
depend List of image dependencies, those image will be run (or just build) first. You must pass a raiden container name. laravel
extra Add custom parameters to run command --dns
persist mount a persistent container to persists data. You must pass a raiden container name. yass-data

Configuration file exemple

## Default configuration
name: apache
type: platform
dockerfilePrefix: "dockerfile/"
        - "80:80"
        - "pool:/etc/apache2/conf.d"
        - other_container_name
        - php
        - apache-logs

## Environement overloading
            - "8080:80"

Run exemple

  • Run all platform : raiden --pool /path/to/pool run
  • Run only one application in dev environement : raiden --pool /path/to/pool --env dev run apache
  • Run multiple pools raiden --pool /path/to/pool,/path/to/other/pool run


Even if it's just for opened ports or more, you always need some specific configuration depending on where ou run your application. In raiden configuration file you can add environements using environement parameter to override options parameters.

Launching order

Containers will be launch by their dependencies order. If you have linked containers, those container will be launch first.

## Persistent data ##

You can persist data creating a data image type. This will create a container that won't be run (not needed). You can then use it with the persist option in configuration file.

For more informations, on how to create a persistent docker, and how to use it : https://docs.docker.com/userguide/dockervolumes/

Want to know more ?

Platform exemple, or container type definition ? See our wiki for more details !