
Tool to convert Garmin's FIT format to GPX and censor data not relevant for OpenStreetMap e.g. heartrate or your driveway.

Primary LanguageGroovy


Tool to convert Garmin's FIT format to GPX and censor data not relevant for OpenStreetMap e.g. heartrate or your home location.


  • Get Garmin's FIT SDK from http://www.thisisant.com/resources/fit/
  • Place the contained fit.jar in the project's lib folder
  • Edit fittogpx's inBox method to mask your home coordinates.
  • Register an application for OpenStreetMap
  • Check that everything works with gradle check
  • Build the project with gradle installDist
  • You can find the executable under build/install/FitToOSMUpload/bin
  • When running the application, you will be prompted to enter your OSM OAuth credentials. These are saved in ~/.config/osmauth.properties.

Uploading GPX files to OpenStreetMap with curl

The following is no longer necessary as one can upload directly to OSM.


curl -v --user "$CREDENTIALS" $URL -F description=Activity -F visibility=identifiable -F file=@$1