This repository is about the first Information Security Project .
Instructor: Dr. H. Shahriari
Semester: Fall 2022
The first part is the design of a tool to collect information and scan some found information, the second part includes the use of ready tools and getting to know how they work. It should be noted that the systems found in the said IP range have already been investigated to collect information.
- The designed tool should include the following:
- Get a ping from a specific IP
- Scan an IP range and find active hosts
- Scan the open ports of an active host
- To test my device, I used the IP range to after connecting to VPN.
After completing the first part, I checked the correctness of my work with hping3, netdiscover, and namp tools, and then using xprobe2, httpprint, whatweb tools, or online sites, more information about the active hosts mentioned in the IP range. I got It is necessary to include the following items in entering the commands when working with the nmap tool:
- TCP full scan
- Stealth scan
- UDP scanning
- Fingerprint scanning
- Idle scan