A iOS application with layout based on App Store that can check the most starred and last updated Swift repository
- akatao@Webmotors
- AlaaAlHallaq
- AlvaroFernandesxItáu Unibanco
- AMJ-7Gaza, Palestine
- appcornerit
- asilarslanIstanbul, Turkey
- ayanbabi90kolkata
- bsoares
- christoff-1992
- CleberReisSão Paulo, Brasil
- codeschooling
- dabu5135
- edmouraSao Paulo, Brazil
- espenbyeStell
- felipemendesLeague
- hanifsgyStockbit
- iondrimba
- iTSangarBanco Inter
- josueespinosa@Intuit
- Junior-iOSNJ Development
- kyleadrianFoursquare
- ldt25290
- minsOneKakaoBank
- NaughtyOttsel
- nsoojin@corp-momenti
- oguzparlakRaiffeisen International
- otavioanselmoBanco PAN
- pinlunhuangTaiwan
- rafsouzap@ifood
- salehmasumMelbourne
- simorgh3196taskey Inc.
- tarun885@DigitalHole, @PregBuddy, @NXTLVLTech
- ThiagoCO
- uutkarshsingh
- ViniciuscarvalhoOLX
- WeslleyMadeiraWoodsProjects