
A updated version of ltc for COMPSCI5012

Primary LanguagePython


A modern, elegant and versatile course management system

Database demo

Hello everyone! Here is how to populate some dummy data into the database for testing.

  • First, make sure you have a proper virtual environment with Django==2.1.5
  • Then, run the following commands to create a database. You may want to back up or delete your previous one.
python manage.py makemigrations ltc_main
python manage.py migrate
  • Next, populate some dummy data and start the server.
python populate_script.py
python manage.py runserver
  • Then, go to
  • To gain administrative access, please log in with the following information.
Username: 	admin
Password: 	123456
  • You can try adding new courses inside the database to understand the association between the data.

Backend demo

  • You can visit the index page now.
  • Follow the links on that page to register and login.
  • Here are some pre-registered student accounts:
Username:       Mikayla      Nur       Donald        Sue
Password: 	Mikayla123   Nur123    Donald123     Sue123
  • Some staff accounts as well:
Username:       Radhika       Peyton
Password: 	Radhika123    Peyton123
  • You can find these accounts in populate_ltc.py