This plugin aims to provide a convienence feature of automatically swapping hudlayouts when the game goes into fullscreen and back. Particularly helpful for ultrawide players who switch frequently.
The hudlayout will switch when you toggle the setting in the UI before clicking apply. Reverting by clicking cancel will revert the hudlayout to what it should be. Minor issue.(Fixed as of API9/XIV 6.5)You might crash if you spam the hell out of the windowed mode radio buttons (5+ times in a few seconds). Don't do that.(Fixed as of API9/XIV 6.5)
feel free to file issues in this repo or using the feedback system if thats enabled in /xlplugins.
In the event I am no longer playing this game, I'll make an effort to update this repo to indicate such and suggest forking. But I doubt this plugin will break unless Dalamud's API significantly changes.
Icon is sourced from Google's Material Design Icons, licensed Apache 2.0