
Fully fledged Bugsnag client for Clojure. Supports ex-data and ring middleware.

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

clj-bugsnag Build Status

A fully fledged Bugsnag exception reporting client for Clojure.


  • Automatically exposes ex-info data as metadata
  • Ring middleware included, attaches ring request map as metadata
  • Include snippet of code around stack trace lines
  • Mark in-project stack traces to hide frameworks
  • Pass along user IDs to Bugsnag
  • Tested, used in production at 6 Wunderkinder for Wunderlist

Releases and Dependency Information

clj-bugsnag is released via Clojars. The Latest stable release is 0.3.0

Leiningen dependency information:

[whitepages/clj-bugsnag "0.3.0"]

Maven dependency information:


Example Usage

(require '[clj-bugsnag.core :as bugsnag]
         '[clj-bugsnag.ring :as bugsnag.ring])

;; Ring middleware, all keys besides :api-key are optional:

  {:api-key "Project API key"
   ;; Defaults to "production"
   :environment "production"
   ;; Project namespace prefix, used to hide irrelevant stack trace elements
   :project-ns "your-project-ns-prefix"
   ;; A optional version for your app, this is displayed in bugsnag.
   ;; If not provided the latest git sha will be used - this means that
   ;; the git repo is available when you run your app.
   :version "your-app-version"
   ;; A optional function to extract a user object from a ring request map
   ;; Used to count how many users are affected by a crash
   :user-from-request (constantly {:id "shall return a map"})})

;; Manual reporting using the notify function:

  (some-function-that-could-crash some-input)
  (catch Exception exception

    ;; Notify with options map, all keys are optional:
      {:api-key "Project API key"
       ;; Attach custom metadata to create tabs in Bugsnag:
       :meta {:input some-input}
       ;; Pass a user object to Bugsnag for better stats
       :user {:id ... :email ...}})

    ;; If no api-key is provided, clj-bugsnag
    ;; will fall back to BUGSNAG_KEY environment variable
    (bugsnag/notify exception)))


Copyright © 2014-2015 6 Wunderkinder GmbH.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.