
SAMP library to interact with JHV

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


SAMP library to interact with JHV


scripts showing examples of how to interact with JHV


2021-05 Extract images from IRIS SJI cubes.ipynb

Example script to load IRIS images from TAP source and extract them into single images, with slight modifications for optimal display in JHV.


Example script to download RHESSI image cubes from TAP source, extract images and send them to JHV:

  1. retrieve data from TAP service using pyvo
  2. select interesting RHESSI observations
  3. usage of sunkit_instruments.rhessi.imagecube2map to extract images (into sunpy.map.Map objects) from image cube
  4. (optional) convert datatype to bypass JHV gamma correction and re-scaling data into respective value range
  5. usage of SAMP4JHVClient to send maps directly to JHV via SAMP. Alternatively one could save the maps to disk and drag-and-drop them into JHV.
  6. usage of Samp4JHVClient object to clean up temporary data


Example script to create space-time plot along IRIS slit - this was used to visually verify whether observations contain downflows with the help of JHV


older example (from CCN2) to read SAMP message from JHV and manually download defined data from VSO.


older example (from CCN2) to read SAMP message from JHV and download defined data using Fido search


same as SAMP_example.ipynb but with progress bars


updated version of SAMP_example_new.ipynb to work with sunpy 3.0


examples to setup JSAMP in IDL to read SAMP messages from JHV and load corresponding data from VSO. See separate README.


examples on how to use varioud files and formats that can send data to JHV from a webpage



Contains convenience functions to read raw rhessi flare lists and extracting images from rhessi image cube. These functionalities have been replaced:


Example notebook to use functionalities from rhessi subfolder. See examples/python/2021-10-04-Send-RHESSI_to_JHV_via_SAMP.ipynb for the updated version of this file.