
A tool to notify you when others submit or have status on Codeforces

Primary LanguageJava


A tool to notify you when others submit or have status on Codeforces.

How to use?

Submit Notifier

When others submit and get a result, you will be notified and system will show you a popup dialog in the right-bottom corner. (Code at package com.hhs.xgn.cftools.acn)

Command Line: java -jar SubmitNoticer.jar Namelist CheckInterval

NameList is a string of Codeforces usernames to check, split by spaces.

CheckInterval is the interval of checking by seconds, recommended 10.

You can start the program with no arguments and the program will ask you about the information.

Moving Status

When others submit, you can see their status shown in the right-bottom corner too. (Code at package com.hhs.xgn.cftools.ms)

The window consists of four data: username problemId status passedTestCount

you can click on the labels to jump to the submission/problem/profile page quickly.

This actually covered the function of Submit Notifier. You can use this only.

Command Line: java -jar MovingStatus.jar Namelist

NameList is a string of Codeforces usernames to check, split by spaces.

You can start the program with no arguments too and the program will ask you about the information.

You can also see the samples.

How does it work?

Thanks for Mike and the wonderful Codeforces API, we can get the status by program.

Current problems

Sometimes it won't work when you submit for the first time after the program runs. We currently don't know the reason. We guess it's because of some net problems.


The problem data may doesn't work well with ACMSGURU or GYM! (Sometimes it will show contestId is -1)


This is a full Eclipse project. You can just throw it into Eclipse. Then set all libraries in "lib" folder build path.


We may support more Online Judges and write a better version. :)

Experimental functions

This tools also contain User collect and Get Solution tools.

User collect will collect your submission data and make some conclusions.

Get Solution will download one's accepted solutions.

Experimental Functions are dangerous!Use them carefully