
GitHub project (Project 3) repository for PDSND

Primary LanguagePython

Created: October, 2021.

Exploring US Bikeshare Data Project

Using python to analyze bikeshare data from three US cities.

Project Overview:

This project focusses on the use of Python to explore data related to bike share systems for three major cities in the United States—Chicago, New York City, and Washington. Pandas library and statistics methods are used to perform a rudimentary analysis on this data - to display information such as most popular days or most common stations.


  • Language: Python 3.8 or above
  • Libraries: pandas, numpy
  • N.B: All these were installed using Anaconda.

Project Data (Files used):

  • chicago.csv, new_york_city.csv and washington.csv - These dataset files contain all bikeshare information for the citities of Chicago, New York City and Washington respectively. All these files were provided by Udacity.

  • Note: washington.csv does not include the 'Gender' and 'Birth Year' data.

Running the program:

To run the program , I use Anaconda's command prompt on a Windows 10 machine. You enter the command 'python bikeshare.py' on the terminal.


  • Udacity - Udacity's Nanodegree program of Programming for Data Science with Python and their instructors were extremely helpful.
  • Aritra Chattaraj - Aritra's repository inspired me and helped to better understand the structure for this project.
  • pandas docs - pandas documentation was helpful in understanding the pandas methods used in this project.