
interaction with conditional and booleams

Primary LanguageJavaScript


interaction with conditional and booleams In this part of the game project, we'll add some interactive elements to your game to give it an objective.

Step-By-Step Assignment Instructionsless

  1. Make a copy of your code from part 3a [0 marks]

  2. Collectable item object [2 marks]

Copy and paste the collectable item code from part 2b. Add a property isFound to the object and initialise it to false.

  1. Draw the collectable item [2 marks]

Add your collectable item code from part 2b to the draw function. Adjust the properties of collectable to make the collectable item appear in a sensible place. Write a conditional statement so that the collectable item is only drawn when isFound is false.

  1. Collectable item interaction [2 marks]

Write an if statement in draw with a condition that is true when the character is in range of the item. HINT: the dist function is useful here. When the condition is true, set the value of isFound in the collectable to true. The result should be that when your character comes into contact with the collectable item it disappears.

  1. Draw the canyon [1 marks]

Add your canyon code from part 2b to the draw function. Adjust the properties of canyon to make the collectable item appear in a sensible place.

  1. Falling down the canyon [2 marks]

Write a conditional statement within draw to detect when the character is over the canyon. HINT: use gameChar_x and the > and < operators. When the condition is met set isPlummeting to true. Write another conditional statement within draw which detects when isPlummeting is true. When this condition is met increment gameChar_y so that the game character falls quickly. Test that your character falls down the canyon when they pass over it.

  1. Jumping over the canyon [1 marks]

We also want our game character to be able to jump over the canyon. Adjust the conditional statement which detects whether the game character is over the canyon so that it also requires the game character to be on the ground. HINT: use gameChar_y and the >= operator Test that your character is able to jump over the canyon as well as fall down it Once you're done record a short video (max 1 min) talking through the the code and demonstrating that the interaction works.