
API for fictional superjet rental service.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Fictional superjet rental service.

Python FastAPI SQLalchemy Postgres Docker Swagger


Api for superjet rental service.

The application allows you to rent a superjet for a specific date and calculate the rental cost.

  • It is possible to register users, verify, simulate fake email.
  • Create, update superjet objects according to the specified parameters.
  • Rental for a specified date, the minimum rental duration is one day.
  • Calculation of rental cost based on duration.
  • Upload data from csv and create csv with any quantity rows.
  • Checking data with pagination.

Data for preview and documentation available.

Fast Start with docker compose.

# Clone
git clone <proj>

# Move to folder infra/
cd <proj>/infra/

sudo docker compose -f docker-compose-v2.yaml up -d


Authorize test user:

Username: super@mail.com  
Password: super  

Dev local run with Postgres.

# Copy .env to root project folder
cp infra/.env.local .env

# Create and activate venv
# python -m venv venv
python3.10 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate

# Upgrade pip and install requirements
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

# If "fast start with docker compose" was used, delete the previous images/containers
sudo docker compose -f infra/docker-compose-v1.yaml up -d

# Make alembic migrations to DB
# From folder with alembic.ini
alembic upgrade head

# Run the server
uvicorn app.main:app --reload

# Super user and test user has been registered.


Authorize test user:

Username: super@mail.com  
Password: super