#BattleApp BattleApp serves information of Starcraft League in Korea Republic of, written in Android SDK / Java. This Android Application Project developed as Android Studio IDE. See more information and fork at https://github.com/HelloMocca/BattleApp.git

#App Screen Shot App Splash App Main Player Search Player Information Matching Simulation

##Support Android SDK Version minSdkVersion: 16 targetVersion: 22

##Version History [Latest Version] 0.7.1

  • Follows BugFix
    • The Activity restart when searching player first time.
    • app OOM when scrolling league's gamelist(LeagueArchiveActivity)
  • Splash Activity added
    • Splash Activity started when onCreate MainActivity.
    • Splash Activity checks internet connection status.
    • If internet has disconnected, Splash Activity shows the Alert Dialog.
    • Splash Activity's no-History attribute is true.
  • BitmapDecoder
    • BitmapDecode control Bitmap Resource to resizing.
    • decodeBitmapFromResource get resource Id, width size and height size then return the efficiency resized Bitmap object.
  • NetworkManager
    • NetworkManager contains connection check method and alert dialog method.
  • Published 28 August, 2015


  • Remove unabled activities and layout
  • Show winner namd as #FFBB00 color at game list
  • Exist Bug
    • The Activity restart when searching player first time.
    • app OOM when scrolling league's gamelist(LeagueArchiveActivity)
  • Published 27 August, 2015


  • Add Volley Library for HTTP Request.
  • Add Gson Library for parsing JSON data.
  • MainActivity Modifed
    • Remove unable menu Button
    • Remove Live Game status dashboard
    • Change Button Design
  • PlayerInfoActivity
    • Add BarChart View to show the player's game record.
  • LeagueListActivity
    • League List data has provided from BattleApp Server API.
    • App shows the playlist when user selects the league.
  • MatchingActivity
    • App calculate the match result using 5 facts( total record, vs.each other, recent 5games, vs.opposing race, ).
  • Manifest
    • All activity's launchmode changed to singleTop
  • Exist Bug
    • The Activity restart when searching player first time.
  • Published 27 August, 2015


  • Change ListView to CustomListView using PlayerListAdapter
    • PlayerListAdapter(Context, ArrayList)
  • Published 18 August, 2015


  • Chart draw using animation effect
    • see animationDraw method in BarChart class
  • Modify Button to ImageButton (@ MainActivity)
  • Published 17 August, 2015


  • Remove Title Bar
  • Create Dummy Views (not connected to Network yet)
    • MatchingActivity
    • MatchingResultFragment
    • PlayerListFragment
  • Create Parcelable class "Player" for transfer Player Information
  • Create customView "BarChart"
    • Using Canvas
    • Drawing diversing chart of Matching Result as FieldData
  • Create class FieldData
    • FieldData contains FieldName and Columns(String Array)
  • Published 11 August, 2015


  • Implement activity change from MainActivity to others
  • Create Dummy Views (not connected to Network yet)
    • ListView of PlayerActivity
    • View of PlayerInfoActivity
    • ListView of LeagueListActivity
    • ListView of LeagueArchiveActivity
  • Implement getViews and setViewEvent to each Activities
    • getViews: Initialization Views(ListView, EditText, Button ...)
    • setViewEvent: Setting click event on Buttons or Items of ListView
  • Published 6 August, 2015


  • Define All Layout of Activities
  • Add Fragments Layout and Fragment Subclass for Matching Activity
    • PlayerListFragment
    • MatchingResultFragment
  • Published 28 July, 2015


  • Implement Button onClickLister to startActivity (MainActivity -> OtherActivities)
  • Modify MainActivity's export attribute to "true"
  • Modify MaxRecent value 3 to 1 (The BattleApp must be 'One' task)
  • Published 27 July, 2015


  • Initialize the BattleApp Project
  • Add Activities
    • MainActivity
    • ScheduleActivity
    • LeagueActivity
    • PlayerActivity
    • PlayerInfoActivity
    • LeagueListActivity
    • LeagueArchiveActivity
    • MatchingActivity
  • Add access Internet Permission
  • Initialize Activity transaction methods
  • Published 24 July, 2015