This Bundle provides simple react-table configuration for your Doctrine Entities. With the option to create your own columns in JavaScript.
ReactTableBundle uses React Table v6. (React Table v7 is headless, means no CSS and layout. I'm not a CSS expert, so I'm still using v6 at the moment. Once a flex layout for v7 is ready, the bundle can be easily adapted, since the API for the columns is very similar.)
Highly inspired by SgDatatablesBundle.
The project is currently still under development. It can not be excluded that configuration changes.
ReactTableBundle is designed for simple tables that are strongly bound to the entities. If you are creating highly customized tables with many components and a lot of client-side programming, ReactTableBundle is not suitable for that. However, you can of course use ReactTableBundle alongside your complex tables.
- Features
- Installation
- Your First Table
- Columns
- Table Props Configuration
- Persistence Options Configuration
- Table Configuration in PHP
- Filtering*
- Sorting*
- Pagination*
- Persist table state (sorting, filtering, current page, ...) in cookies
- Column Types: TextColumn, BooleanColumn, DateTimeColumn, ActionColumn
- Custom Columns with OwnColumn
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download this bundle:
$ composer require hello-sebastian/react-table-bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php
file of your project:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\ReactTableBundle::class => ['all' => true],
# if possible, make absolute symlinks (best practice) in public/ if not, make a hard copy
$ php bin/console assets:install --symlink
# make a hard copy of assets in public/
$ php bin/console assets:install
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/reacttable/app.css') }}">
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/reacttable/app.js') }}"></script>
// src/ReactTable/UserTable.php
namespace App\ReactTable;
use App\Entity\User;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Columns\ActionColumn;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Columns\BooleanColumn;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Columns\ColumnBuilder;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Columns\DateTimeColumn;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Columns\TextColumn;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Data\ActionButton;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\Filter\SelectFilter;
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\ReactTable;
class UserTable extends ReactTable
* @inheritDoc
protected function buildColumns(ColumnBuilder $builder)
->add('username', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Username'
->add('email', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'E-Mail',
'show' => false
->add('firstName', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'First name'
->add('lastName', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Last name'
->add('createdAt', DateTimeColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Created at',
'format' => 'd.m.Y'
->add('', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Department',
'emptyData' => 'No Department',
'filter' => array(SelectFilter::class, array(
'choices' => array(
'IT' => 'IT',
'Sales' => 'Sales'
->add('', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Cost Centre',
'emptyData' => 'No Cost Centre',
'filter' => array(SelectFilter::class, array(
'choices' => array(
'001' => '001',
'002' => '002',
'null' => 'empty'
->add('isActive', BooleanColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'is active',
'trueValue' => 'yes'
->add(null, ActionColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Actions',
'width' => 120,
'buttons' => array(
'displayName' => 'show',
'routeName' => 'show_user',
'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-success'
'displayName' => 'edit',
'routeName' => 'edit_user'
protected function getEntityClass(): string
return User::class;
// src/Controller/UserController.php
// ...
use HelloSebastian\ReactTableBundle\ReactTableFactory;
// ...
* @Route("/", name="default")
public function index(Request $request, ReactTableFactory $reactTableFactory) : Response
$table = $reactTableFactory->create(UserTable::class);
if ($table->isCallback()) {
return $table->getResponse();
return $this->render('index.html.twig', array(
'table' => $table->createView()
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block body %}
<div class="react-table-bundle" data-table="{{ table }}"></div>
{% endblock %}
Represents column with text.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
Header | string | "" | set colum header |
width | integer / null | null | width in px for column |
filterable | bool | true | enable / disable filtering for this column |
sortable | bool | true | enable / disable sortable for this column |
resizable | bool | true | enable / disable resizable for this column |
show | bool | true | show / hide column |
className | string | "" | set the classname of the td element of the column |
headerClassName | string | "" | set the classname of the th element of the column |
footerClassName | string | "" | set the classname of the td element of the column's footer |
filter | array / null | [TextFilter::class, array()] | first element in array is a filter class, second element is a configuration array for the filter class (see Filters) |
emptyData | string | "" | default value if attribute from entity is null |
sortQuery | Closure / null | null | custom sort query |
dataCallback | Closure / null | null | custom data callback |
->add('username', TextColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Username',
'emptyData' => "No Username found.",
//optional overrides ...
'dataCallback' => function (User $user) { //entity class from getEntityClass
//you can return what ever you want ... but only string or number
return $user->getId() . " " . $user->getUsername();
'sortQuery' => function (QueryBuilder $qb, $direction) {
$qb->addOrderBy('username', $direction);
'filter' => array(TextFilter::class, array(
'placeholder' => 'Search ...',
'filterQuery' => function (QueryBuilder $qb, $field, $value) {
//add custom expressions to QueryBuilder ...
//field = "username"
//value = text from filter
Represents column with boolean values.
All options of TextColumn
The option filter
is set to SelectFilter
by default.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
trueLabel | string | "True" | label for true values |
falseLabel | string | "False" | label for false values |
->add('isActive', BooleanColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'is active',
'trueLabel' => 'yes',
'falseLabel' => 'no'
Represents column with DateType values.
All Options of TextColumn
Option | Type | Default | Description |
format | string | "Y-m-d H:i:s" | DateTime format string |
->add('createdAt', DateTimeColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Created at',
'format' => 'd.m.Y'
With OwnColumn you can provided custom data und JavaScript configuration to the table. E.g. you can create a Image or Link column with OwnColumn.
All Options of TextColumn.
and filterable
are disabled by default. If you want to enable that you must provide custom sortQuery
and filter
with filterQuery
is required.
Table configuration in PHP
->add("custom", OwnColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'My Column',
'dataCallback' => function (User $user) {
return "Hello";
'sortQuery' => function (QueryBuilder $qb, $direction) {
Extend table configuration in JavaScript
In your base.html.twig
before you include the bundle JS file you can listen to the custom event rtb:componentDidMount
. Inside the event you can access the array of JavaScript column objects.
document.addEventListener("rtb:componentDidMount", function (e) {
e.detail.persistenceOptions.filtered = false; //see Persistence Options
//loop over all columns and filter by type "own". If you have multiply OwnColumns you must extend the filtering
//Then you can set and access all provided attributes by react-table. E.g. React Cell, Footer, Header, Filter - components ...
e.detail.columns.forEach(col => {
if (col.type === "own") {
col.Header = "Custom Column"; = true;
col.Cell = (row) => { //row is provided by react-table
//if you import React you can render a customer component here as well.
// return <MyCell row={row} />;
return row.original.username;
Represents column for action buttons (show / edit / remove ...).
All Options of TextColumn
and filterable
are disable by default.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
buttons | array | [] | array of buttons configuration as array. |
->add(null, ActionColumn::class, array(
'Header' => 'Actions',
'width' => 120, //optional
'buttons' => array(
'displayName' => 'show',
'routeName' => 'show_user',
'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-success'
'displayName' => 'edit',
'routeName' => 'edit_user',
'additionalClassNames' => 'btn-success'
Option | Type | Default | Description |
displayName | string | "" | label of button in table |
routeName | string | "" | route name |
routeParams | array | array("id") | Array of property value names for the route parameters. By default is id set. |
classNames | string | "" | CSS class names which added directly to the a element. Overrides default class names from YAML config. |
additionalClassNames | string | "" | You can set default class names in YAML config. Then you can add additional class names to the button without override the default config. |
YAML Config
# config/packages/react_table.yaml
# other configuration ...
default_class_names: 'btn btn-xs'
Table Props are provided directly to ReactTable and are a collection of setting options for the table.
Option | Type | Default |
showPagination | bool | true |
showPaginationTop | bool | false |
showPaginationBottom | bool | true |
showPageSizeOptions | bool | true |
pageSizeOptions | array | [5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100] |
defaultPageSize | int | 20 |
showPageJump | bool | true |
collapseOnSortingChange | bool | true |
collapseOnPageChange | bool | true |
collapseOnDataChange | bool | true |
freezeWhenExpanded | bool | false |
sortable | bool | true |
multiSort | bool | true |
resizable | bool | true |
filterable | bool | true |
defaultSortDesc | bool | false |
className | string | '' |
previousText | string | 'Previous' |
nextText | string | 'Next' |
loadingText | string | 'Loading...' |
noDataText | string | 'No rows found' |
pageText | string | 'Page' |
ofText | string | 'of' |
rowsText | string | 'Rows' |
pageJumpText | string | 'jump to page' |
rowsSelectorText | string | 'rows per page' |
You can either perform settings for all tables via a YAML file or set each individual table
// config/packages/react_table.yaml
className: "-striped -highlight"
sortable: false
Inside from Table class:
// src/ReactTable/UserTable.php
class UserTable extends ReactTable
public function configureTableProps(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'defaultPageSize' => 10
Outside from Table class:
// src/Controller/UserController.php
public function index(Request $request, ReactTableFactory $reactTableFactory) : Response
$table = $reactTableFactory->create(UserTable::class);
'defaultPageSize' => 10
In the configureTableProps
method, you can specify custom data that can be provided directly to the ReactTable.
With the Persistence Options you can set which settings (filtering, sorting, current page, ...) should be stored in the cookies. By default, all of them are activated.
Option | Type | Default |
resized | bool | true |
filtered | bool | true |
sorted | bool | true |
page | bool | true |
page_size | bool | true |
// config/packages/react_table.yaml
sorted: true
Inside from Table class:
// src/ReactTable/UserTable.php
class UserTable extends ReactTable
public function configurePersistenceOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'sorted' => false
Outside from Table class:
// src/Controller/UserController.php
public function index(Request $request, ReactTableFactory $reactTableFactory) : Response
$table = $reactTableFactory->create(UserTable::class);
'page' => true
- Documentation
- More Examples
- Twig extension to render
element - Tests
- Unit Tests