
✨ Beautiful Automatic Timers 🔔 - Showing the time until your next event 📅, with live-updates 🔴

Primary LanguagePython

Always On Time

Python - Django - TDD - Oauth - Continuous Deployment

✨ Beautiful Automatic Timers 🔔

Showing the time until your next event 📅, with live-updates 🔴

Main Screen Settings Screen
Main Screen Settings Screen


  1. Create DB directory
    • See below
  2. docker-compose run alwaysontime pipenv run python manage.py migrate
  3. docker-compose run alwaysontime pipenv run python manage.py createsuperuser
  4. Setup All-Auth
    • See below


Using SQLite 3

Create DB Directory & symlink

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/com.floriankempenich/alwaysontime/database
sudo chown -R floriankempenich:staff /var/lib/com.floriankempenich
ln -s /var/lib/com.floriankempenich/alwaysontime/database ./alwaysontime/database


  • DB Stored at /var/lib/com.floriankempenich/alwaysontime/database/db.sqlite3
  • App expects it at ./database/db.sqlite3
    • Docker: Mount as a volume => $DB_DIR_HOST:/alwaysontime/database
      • DB_DIR_HOST is where the db can be found on the host
        • Set locally in .env to $HOME/.databases/alwaysontime
        • Set on pipeline in .env to $HOME/.databases/alwaysontime
      • alwaysontime is the working directory in docker. It contains:
        • Everything in the local alwaysontime folder
        • Pipfile & Pipfile.lock from the root of the project
    • Locally: Symlink (created above)


  1. Download credentials
  2. In http://localhost:8100/admin/
    • In Sites
      • Make sure there is a Site
      • Get the ID of the Site
        • 1 if only element in table
    • In Social Application
      • Configure Google
        • Provider: Google
          Important: That name is used in the app and configured in the settings. Make sure to write exactly as it is
        • Name: Whatever
        • Client id: Called Client ID by Google
        • Secret key: Called Client secret by Google
        • Key: Not needed, leave blank
        • Add Site to Chosen sites

For more info: https://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/providers.html#google